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Lammas/Lughnasadh: First Harvest, August Eve; & Underworking - Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine #52 August 01, 2016 |
Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine #52 Lammas/Lughnasadh: First Harvest, August Eve
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In my own version of serious zipping-aroundness, I'm thrilled to be able to say I've finally got a replacement for the old computer (the one that spent the last 3 months in the repair shop more than out)! It's taking a while to get it set up and running properly — still not 100% there — but we're running at about 85% functionality now.
The major hold-up is that my emails didn't transfer over completely, so I've lost a LOT of emails. It seems to be pretty random, and I'm still trying to recover them. But if you haven't heard from me, that's likely why. Please email me again... along with any pertinent back-story and receipts to save time, like me writing back to ask you about it if yours are missing. Thanks! Of course, I'm a quarter-year behind on everything, since I've essentially been without a functioning computer since, oh, April!Until then, enjoy the golden pleasures of Summer!
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Events & Announcements | Contribute Articles to the Silver Chalice |
Wicca Students Speak Out | A Guide To Getting Off My Butt |
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Website Highlights | Best Wiccan Practices |
Sabbats & Esbats & Other Wiccan Rituals | Lammas/Lughnasadh: First Harvest, August Eve |
Ask The Priestess | Why I'm Pagan (Guest Article) |
Fave Quotes | Why I Wake Early |
Word on the Street | Spectacular Ritual |
Energy Field Barometer | Learning To Be More Carefree; Creating a Heart-Centered Life |
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As mentioned in the Editor's Note above, the Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine is now taking submissions of articles on topics of interest to Wiccans and spiritual seekers.
This is your chance to share your ideas and expertise with other Wiccans! The deadline for the next issue is September 10. Submissions must come with... ![]() |
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And permission to publish it in the Silver Chalice as space arises. |
I look forward to hearing from you!
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Want to hear what our students
are saying about
A Year And A Day:
53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan?
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"I have done spell work and read books, but nothing that I have committed to.
So I am so grateful for your class! I love the way you present everything and always gently remind us that we are the true one who decides how to practice and to trust our intuition. So important."~ Laura-Anne Rowell, Australia
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"I did my dedication ritual yesterday and I did not expect to feel it so strongly.
When I felt the presence of the Divine it was such a feeling of coming home that I burst into tears."~ Susanna S., Sweden
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"I absolutely Love, love, love your classes — they are so deeply soulful and magical.
And within two weeks of reading, it has open my soul growth and ignited my witches fire within. I am a different person, and I even look so different to me."~ Raven Moon, USA
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"I am looking to your course as a guide to getting off my butt and actually practising what I've been learning. As you explained in the intro course, all the knowledge in the world doesn't do any good if you're not putting it to use.
~ Matt D., USA
If you haven't seen it yet, here's an exciting addition to the Wicca Spirituality online community — Post your own Comments!
Try it out here, on the Wiccans Who Love Jesus article...
I'm super-excited to open up this new level of dialogue with you! And now you’ll be able to discuss things among the many readers of, as well... almost like a forum. As you may know, I've long dreamt of having a forum for readers to communicate with each other. I haven't been able to make one, but this is a pretty good substitute.
Spotlighting some of the Wicca Spirituality articles you may not have seen yet!
Drawing Down The Moon, or Calling Down the Moon, is a core Wiccan spiritual practice. By drawing down the light of the Full Moon, you fill yourself with Divine Light, or the Essence of the Goddess...
Continue...Everybody's talking about the importance of meditation these days. But what's it all about, really? And does it have a place in Wicca? Actually, it has a lot to offer your Wicca practice, particularly for ritual and magick...
Begin this grounding meditation by standing on the Earth. Stand to your full height. Take a deep breath, hold it, then let it go. Do this again, and let it go with a gusty sigh. Feel your feet on the ground... Continue...
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Beauty and abundance are everywhere.
Flowers of all kinds and colours blossom in profusion. Vegetables and fruits pour into our baskets. The fields are glowing with golden grains and corn. The breezes brush sweet, delicious scents off the sunbeams. Like the Sun card in the Tarot, all of life feels rich and joyful.
. . .
To learn more, please enrol in
A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan...
Instead of Asking the Priestess, this issue, let's hear from someone sharing info with the Priestess.This article was submitted for the Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine by Wicca Spirituality Facebook fan Jasmine Venditti. Thanks, Jasmine!
I had a Christian friend ask me why I'm Pagan and I explained to them the best I could. I wanted to share my explanation of my personal path with you as well.
Heaven is my god and Earth is my goddess. Mother Nature and father heaven.
And my church is the world. The stars the moon the wind, the air, the fire, the water, the spirit. The light in a baby's eyes as they smile. The pattern of a dog's fur. The sound of bird song. The color of flowers. The giantness of trees. The smallness of weeds. The way the waves lap against the sand and rocks. The way a lake looks from a boat with the sun setting. The way a cat nuzzles its head against your legs. The crash of thunder and flash of lightning. The scent of tar when it rains after a hot sunny day. The complexity and beauty of our universe. All of that is my church. I consider myself a witch but not the type you see on TV. I'm not an evil old lady with warts and green skin. I don't sacrifice lambs or turn people into frogs. I light candles and chant prayers or poems. I mix herbs in hopes that their properties mixed together will signal my intentions to my goddess and help my life. I have rituals, yes. But they aren't what most think. It's not "a lamb's head and eye of Newt in a cauldron with some hag chanting Latin curses." It's thanking my goddess for everything she's given me and worshipping her greatness. It's offering her herbs flowers and gorgeous things to show her I know I'm blessed to be here. Yes, I am magickal, but not "abracadabra, some hot dude loves me" or "alacazam, that Bitch who stole my man is now ugly and hated." My magick is just things I can see and it seems that few others can. The vibrations of feelings; the intensity of intentions. The colors of the clouds during sunrise and the feeling of the wind on a hot day. The freshness of the rain and how my soul yearns to dance and frolick in it. The beauty of our world. That is magick. That is my magick. That is why I love everything equally. Because my goddess created everything so perfect and beautiful and everything has a purpose. A frog is just as important as a human and all life is sacred. So yeah. That's what Paganism and being a Witch is to me. However, there are so many different kinds and every Witch you ask will have a completely different explanation and reason.
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Do you have a question you'd like answered? Email the Priestess and your question could be answered in a future issue.(Note: questions may be edited for brevity or clarity. No real names will be disclosed. For reasons of legality, all questions become the property of
Why I Wake Early
Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who make the morning
and spread it over the fields
and into the faces of the tulips
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of, even, the
miserable and crotchety — best preacher that ever was,
dear star, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe
to keep us from ever-darkness,
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light —
good morning, good morning, good morning. Watch, now, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.
What People Are Saying About
I performed this ritual [Drawing Down the Moon] tonight, my first full moon. It was spectacular! The light that filled my chalice moved like liquid moonlight, sparkling with stars, and I could feel it drench me when I lowered my arms. Thank you for this site! It's been incredibly helpful and very inspirational! ~ LC. in USA
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Thank you for creating this site; it has helped me gain an understanding of myself and a reason why. Finding out that I am a highly sensitive person has explained a lot that is going on in my life. Wicca was mentioned to me about 15-20 years ago but I never really looked into it. I've never really blocked out the things that happened to me but I have never embraced it either. Now that I find myself way out of balance, like I'm being pulled in a million directions, Wicca was the first thing to come to me to start healing myself. I am excited to start this journey and I am grateful for this tremendous resource I have found in your site. Thank you for your time. Take Care, ~ K. in USA
The Energy is about not taking things as seriously. Especially ourselves.
While that's always good advice, up until now it's been tremendously difficult to put into practice. At least, for some of us.
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It's like not thinking about pink elephants if someone says "don't think of pink elephants." You will think of pink elephants, unavoidably. But then you stop the thoughts that build on that.
You end up having an internal conversation that goes something like this..."I'm thinking of a pink elephant."She says this works because these tendencies have no power of their own: our thoughts are what empower them, which gives us pain. Reining them in creates a calm, peaceful response to whatever is happening in your life. When you do that, then the situation can shift. From that calm place, you can make changes happen that you absolutely could not influence from stressed, angry, fearful, states. When I asked if it was frustrating or tiresome to have to do that all the time, Colombe's answer made me laugh: "Having to stop yourself repeatedly is so much better than consistently having to feel those things!"
"Oh my god it's such a huge elephant"
"No, I don't have to think about that."
"But it's so huge, and it's going to make a horrible mess!"
"Don't even go there."
"But, but, it's, it's...!!!"
"Shh, it's okay..."
She also maintains that this practice cures an over-sensitivity to other people and their emotions — a common malady among highly sensitive people, as most Wiccans tend to be.
I think this Energy Field is related to the over-arching process of switching from head-driven motivation to heart-centered enthusiasm... i.e., from Old to New Paradigm.
It seems that while the ego is still saying things like "hurry up, gotta keep going, no time to rest, gotta produce, gotta make things happen..." etc., the heart is taking more control of the body and saying, "nah, it's such a great day to read a book or take a walk" or whatever. In other words — It's getting harder to ignore our true, deep desires... or to bury them under the mudpies of busyness and self-importance. And these are the underlying desires we're talking about here. Not the surface-level ones like a big house, a new car, the biggest home theatre, partying, a million dollars, and such. And certainly not the addictions like losing weight, being able to buy more stuff, zoning out to video games, etc. More like peacefulness, time with friends, quiet time outdoors, contentment, meaningful action, and so on. You might have thought it was just you, getting fed up with things you don't really want, getting impatient for the things you've denied yourself for too long. It's not! It's a movement in the Energy of the planet, and it's expressing itself through you. What is it your heart is urging you to — pursuing your passions (as a hobby, which is more fun than doing it as a job), taking a painting or pottery class, just sitting quietly on the deck for an hour a day...? What is it that your body is crying out for — more rest, less toxic food/drink, putting your bare feet on the Earth...? Open up to wider and better possibilities in your life! Now is the time to let yourself go with these longings. The dividends will be greater than you'd imagine, in the end: greater health, greater vitality, greater happiness, even, yes, greater productivity!Underworking is the opposite of overworking. It means working while staying in harmony with your body, and being in Flow with the Universal Energies so that you don't have to work so hard.
Let's face it: 75% of the old way of working was just not being in the Flow, so everything was so much harder and slower. Getting in the Flow makes twice as much work seem thrice as easy! This way of working has room for doing the things in your life that are taking care of yourself — or even better: making you happy! This can be small, everyday things, like spending some time playing with your kids or pets, or large things like retreats or vacations. Try it! You might like it!
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Notice or suspect an energy field going around? Can you confirm this reading, or shed more light on it?I'd love to hear what's happening for you! Please let me know.
What to do about being caught in an unpleasant energy field? Click here for tips.
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© erin Dragonsong 2016. All rights reserved worldwide. Reprinting any of this is forbidden unless you obtain my written permission: karma and the law agree on this one. And Copyscape is keeping an eye on these things.