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Samhain & Holding to the New Paradigm - Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine #53
October 01, 2016

Silver Chalice Wiccan 'Zine #53

Samhain: Summer's End
How to Keep Returning to the New Paradigm

October / November 2016

Editor's Note

Merry Meet! Welcome to the Silver Chalice Wicca 'Zine in this most Wiccan of seasons!

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I'd like to beg your indulgence for a moment before we begin this issue, to take this opportunity to explain why I do what I do in this 'Zine. Because there've been some questions...

A couple people have complained that the Silver Chalice has too much "advertising" in it. I can understand that — nobody enjoys ads. Even if they're brief and easily scrolled past. Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

There are two reasons I put things that might be considered advertising in the 'Zine.

 # 1 blue circle ©
First, I must confess, when I first came up with the idea for having a Wicca Spirituality website, and even moreso for the School, "Wicca" was not the most important part of the equation.

Don't get me wrong — I adore Wicca! I think it's the best thing to happen to this planet in millennia!

But to me, always, the most important part is the "Spirit."

I really wanted to be able to help people experience the Divine personally, in their own lives and in their own way. I live to increase humanity's spiritual connection with the Divine Within and Without. That's my passion.

When I set out to create a course to do that, though, I was a little worried.

After all, that's a tall order! Could I really achieve that? Could I really lay out the steps that allow others to have deep spiritual experiences through an online course?

Now that it's been running for over a year and a half, I hear back from students all the time that it's really working. Some of the stories they tell me about their experiences through the course make my heart sing; some of them make me weep with joy and wonder and gratitude.

When I hear that they're having all these literally AWE-some experiences, I feel so thrilled, I have to share it with someone... and who better than Silver Chalice fans? Wicca-School Smilie Witch ©

 # 2 blue circle ©
Second, I'm pretty sure that if you read this 'Zine, it's because you, too, are wishing for deeper connection with the Goddess and/or Gods. You're here for spiritual development, right?

And I want to help you achieve that! That's the whole point! Wicca-School Smilie Witch ©

So I share the feedback from students — that way, if you also want these results, you can know that it could do the same for you.

And in the same way, from time to time, I let you know about tools, techniques, and events that I know are particularly powerful and effective.

See, I don't think of it as advertising. In no way do I wish to talk you into something you don't want! I'm trying to serve Spirit by helping you find something that works, to give you what you want.

A living, loving, personal connection with the Divine is what I think everyone really wants.

We may not realise it. We may bury that soul desire under substitutes like seeking love or money or beauty or fame or whatever.

But at the core of all other desires
is the desire to feel absolute enduring LOVE,
cherishment, bliss, empowerment,
fulfillment, security, & peace.

In other words... everything that Spirituality provides — and nothing else can.

As I see it, I'm not doing you a good service if I don't offer you those things that I know can help.

That being said, you may not be interested in them, and just want all the great (and, I might add, completely free) Wiccan info and such. In which case, please feel free to skip right over them. I won't be offended. Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

I want you to get the most out of this 'Zine, whatever that looks like for you.

That being said, let's get on with the exciting part: the articles and columns you love. Enjoy! And Happy Samhain!

With Bright Blessings,

dragonsong signature; click to write to erin

© Wicca Spirituality - Witch Love Smilie

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Table of Contents

Wicca Students Speak Out Dedication Magick!
What's New on the Site Energy Protection for
 Sensitives and AYAAD FAQs
Website Highlights Pages for Highly Sensitive People
Sabbats & Esbats & Other Wiccan Rituals Samhain: Summer's End
Ask The Priestess Alien, InterPlanetary Flight, & Ghosts — Was That Real?
Fave Quotes

Wandering Wisdom

Word on the Street Thanks from a Christian
Energy Field Barometer How to Keep Returning to the New Paradigm
Silver Chalice Details  

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Wicca Students Speak Out

Wicca School for Wicca Beginners ©

Want to hear what our students
are saying about
A Year And A Day:
53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan

*   *   *   *   *  

"My Dedication yesterday was the most beautiful, gloriously awesome experience! Thank you so, so very much for giving me this opportunity!

I have been trying for years to connect with the Goddess, with limited success. I have known for a long time my path is with Her.

Yesterday was a profound experience! Without you, I would not have achieved this. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

~ Lisa K, USA

*   *   *   *   *  

"I just finished my dedication ritual! When I asked the god & goddess to join me I knew immediately when they arrived!

The air in my circle became very light. My candle flame began dancing wildly as though in a strong breeze although there was no air movement.

I then had a feeling that made me tear up a bit. Not a bad tearing up but with happiness, love and gratitude.

After I took down my circle I felt greatly uplifted."

~ Matt D., USA

*   *   *   *   *  

" I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this course! I have just completed my dedication, and it was such a special and moving experience, I felt shivers up and down my arms and was very close to tears!

I have thoroughly enjoyed the introductory lessons and am so looking forward to and excited about the rest of the course. I feel that I have come home, and been given a long, cool drink of water after many years in a spiritual dessert.

So, once again, thank you so much for everything you have put into this course, and for sharing it with me, I am so glad I found you!"

~ Jude M., UK

*   *   *   *   *  

"I did my dedication ritual yesterday and I did not expect to feel it so strongly.

When I felt the presence of the Divine it was such a feeling of coming home that I burst into tears.

I think the course is a very good arrangement and I am very inspired by the lessons!"

~ Susanna S., Sweden

*   *   *   *   *  

"Just wanted to tell you how deeply this affects me. I have clearly always had this within me but I buried it deep inside for 15 years. Now, I am finding my way home!

I feel blessed, and that this is a life-changing experience for me.

I am impressed by the depth of this course so far. It seems very broad and authentic, and I really like that you somewhat "lay out the rules" but also explain that we have to find our own way. And to take that step, we need to know what questions to ask!

My dedication was amazing. I have felt the Goddess near me, in me, all of the time since then. My rite took place in my garden in a ring of trees, 30 meters high and 200 years old, a truly magical place.

I like your way with words and how humor can be mixed up with this subject; it should be a celebration of life to engage in this — so, of course we are happy!!!"

~ Frida H., Sweden

* See What More Students Have to Say... *

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What's New On The Site

Energy Protection for
 Highly Sensitive People

Okay, technically, this isn't a new page... but I just discovered that for Goddess-knows-how-long, this article was accidentally replaced with a different one.


So I thought I'd give you a heads-up that it's sorta new, while including it in the Website Highlights column below (since it's not technically new). Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

Here's the link if you want it now though: Energy Protection for
 Highly Sensitive People.

 A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan

Do you have questions about the Wicca Spirituality School's course, A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan?

Here you’ll find the answer to anything you're likely to be wondering... like...

  • What Wiccan Tradition Does This Wicca School Teach?
  • Will the Wicca Course Work for the Southern Hemisphere?
  • When Is the Best Time to Start, & How Do I Enrol?
  • Can I Pay Without Paypal or Credit Card?
  • How Long Should the Lessons Take?
  • Where Does the Class Material Come From?
  • How Does This Compare to Other Wiccan Training?
  • Will I Receive Certification for this Course?
  • What Can I Expect After Enrolling?

  Find out the answers to these and other common questions...

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Website Highlights

Spotlighting some of the Wicca Spirituality articles you may not have seen yet!

Are You A Highly Sensitive Person / Energy Healer?

Certain people are especially sensitive to energies around them. And most — if not all — of these people have been born to heal the energy field of the Earth.

How can you tell if you are one of them?

This quiz will help you determine whether you are a highly sensitive person / Energy Healer...


Energy Protection for
 Highly Sensitive People

Highly sensitive people and Energy Healers are particularly susceptible to illness of body, mind, and emotions.

It's because you are bombarded daily with energies that affect you.

And because you don't know how to keep yourself from energetic harm.

So you must take action to protect yourself!

These are not skills that our culture teaches, because our society is ignorant of energies and the needs of highly sensitive people.


The Modern Shaman — Healer and Channel

The modern shaman. Healer of the Earth and the human community.

Not necessarily through physically healing anyone, but simply by being a conduit for Divine Energy to enter the world.

There are a lot of these healers around these days.

Not all are Wiccans. (Although many Wiccans are modern shamans.)

All are highly sensitive people.

And all come with a Mission to fulfill.

In the past, we were called shamans, medicine women, wise women, healers, priestesses and priests...


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Sabbats & Esbats & Other Wiccan Rituals

Samhain: The Great Sabbat

Excerpt from A Year And A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan
(Please Note: This material is protected by legal copyright)

Sneak Preview from Upcoming Wicca School Course ©

Samhain: Summer's End

As the old year dies again
The new begins at dark Samhain

Rede of the Wiccae (adapted version)

Samhain: Summer's End!1

1   Note: this is a very long lesson, since Samhain is our major Wiccan holy day. So it's going to be broken up into 2 parts, the second of which will come out next week.

The storm winds rush through the fields and hiss through the dead grasses, howl at the edges of the house and rattle at the windows... stirring the bare black boughs to scratch and twist against the dark sky.

The trees seem ragged: few tattered leaves cling to branches like dead sticks, clattering dryly in sharp, chill winds — Death's maracas.

The glow of the Moon peaks and hides behind the eerily stark limbs and dark wisps of clouds, sailing the lengthening night — huge and bright, clear queen of the skies. It is Her time now.

She's suitably attended by brilliant courtiers of stars, flashing and winking on the dark velvet of infinite outer space — often visible, now that the Sun's brilliance can't hide them for long.

The birds have all flown to their Winter homes; only the toughest remain: crows, ravens, Stellar jays... birds that feed on Winter-killed flesh.

The gardens and orchards now lie empty and put to bed: clear and blank as a slate, awaiting next year's changes.

The last of the harvest has been brought in, shared, preserved, and stored in the cool rooms — anything remaining after this day belongs to dark Hecate and Her wild creatures.

The joyful colours of life are reduced to basics: greys, browns, blacks — only the gourds and the fading leaves retain brightness to cheer the eye a while longer.

While the days may hold a faint breath of warmth, the mornings and evenings are frosty and crisp. The Earth begins to freeze. And life huddles deep and still within Her bosom... hunkered down, awaiting rebirth.

Fogs roll thick and eerie; mists veil the ground like drifting spirits — transforming the ordinary and the known into Mystery, evoking otherworldly sensations and deep, primal tensions.

It's a strange between-the-worlds state — the liminal zone between wake and sleep, life and death — the long, poised, indrawn breath just before the year's final sigh.

This is descent into Mystery, the unknown, the inner realms.

This is the season of the Sacred Dark
— the Star Goddess —
in the purest form we can know Her.

The Great Sabbat

Samhain,2 the Great Sabbat, is a major turning point of the Wiccan Wheel of the Year.

2   Pronounced SOW-in — rhyming "sow" with "how" — though you'll likely also hear people say SOW-ain, or SOW-een.

Known in popular culture as "Hallowe'en" and in Christian culture as "All Hallow's Eve."

3   For those in the Southern Hemisphere, that's May 1.

4   Summer ending on November 1 seems confusing to us, but it makes sense when you realise the Celts imagined the year as divided up into not four but only two seasons: Summer and Winter.

So the start of Winter marked the end of Summer.

FYI: The word (or a derivative) still means "November" in Irish and Scots Gaelic.

5   The Sacred Dark was introduced in Lesson #34, Autumn Equinox / Harvest Home / Mabon.

Technically, this cross-quarter Sabbat is occurs when the Sun is at 15 degrees Scorpio... but modern Wiccans simplify things and begin the celebration as of sunset on October 31.3 Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

"Samhain" comes from the Old Irish word Samuin, which meant "Summer's End," according to generally accepted etymology.4

At this point in the Wheel of the Year, the outward movement of the year's Energy cycle has clearly come to a close, and the inward journey (or contraction) into the Power of the Sacred Dark5 is well underway.

The Moon is fully in ascendency; the Sun's Power ebbing to its lowest point.

This Sabbat is associated with the West (harvest reaping, letting go, dying away), and therefore with Water... particularly the very deep, dark waters associated with the Ocean.

As the "final harvest," and as we go into the lean, cold months of Winter, it seems natural that this season is closely associated with death.

That's Samhain: the dark of the year which eats the remains of Summer's life.

All things belong to the Dark Goddess at this time, returning to the Earth to be transformed into new incarnations. Any fruit still on the branches on this date belong to Her, and are left for the wildlife to consume.

Samhain is very much a key to the Mystery of the Wheel: the gates of life, death, and rebirth (one of the fundamental principles of Wicca) — and especially the most psychologically and spiritually challenging gate on the Wheel: Death.

As a Wiccan, by this stage in your training, you understand that "Where there's fear, there is Power." 6 And that's a big part of why this Sabbat is so revered by Wiccans.

6   As the popular Wiccan chant goes.

7   At least, philosophically. It can be another thing altogether to accept and embrace it in a personal context. Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

Although, as Wiccans, we are duty-bound to try to honour this part of the Cycle of Life as it occurs within our community... and our own selves.

Wiccans don't hide from the fact of death. We embrace it7 as a healthy, life-giving part of the Cycle.

We face our own mortality, and the mortality of all Earthly things, knowing that death is only a doorway, not an ending.

Samhain is also a time when the "veil between the worlds" is thin and easily crossed — the dead may pop back for a visit; communication is easier between the living and the dead, as well as between mortal and Divine.

When we can walk willingly into a dance with Mortality and the Divine, we are uplifted and empowered by the season that others may fear and shun: Samhain.

. . .   To learn more, please enrol in
A Year & A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan...

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Ask The Priestess:

Alien, InterPlanetary Flight, & Ghosts — Was That Real?

Dear Priestess,

I have virtually no knowledge of the occult arts or magic in general, but I've had a couple very profound experiences that I did not request nor can readily explain.

Alien In My Body

The first experience I had was probably the least notable, but may have been a primer for the second and third. I was simply taking a shower and reflecting on the events of the day and was overcome with the strangest feeling.

I felt as if my body was completely alien, and was marveling at the strange shape of my hands as if I was using them for the first time.

As I was thinking about it, my own thoughts (in English) seemed very alien and I was strangely amused with the English language (the only language I have ever known).

It seemed as if I had just realized that this human form is not my own, that I am only inhabiting this alien body temporarily.

I tried to explore this realization further, but this new knowledge was fleeting and as hard as I tried to hold on it faded away like a dream.

I then dismissed it as some fluke in my brain like Deja vu (which I also seem to experience regularly). But it really came back to the forefront of my mind a few weeks later after my second "experience".

Flight to Another Planet

The second experience I had was much, much longer and more profound than the first.

It was a typical evening at home and I was sitting at the kitchen table waiting on my wife to get home from work. She arrived and was complaining that she had a splinter in her foot. I told her to let me take a look at it.

As she bared her foot to me, I found it very hard to focus on her foot and was unable to locate the splinter as my vision started to fade away.

This is where the story gets really strange.

I cannot tell you what happened exactly, all I know is I was l looking at her foot then I was traveling through outer space at an astonishing speed. I wasn't aware of having a physical body, but I could see perfectly. I was traveling very fast and the only thing I could tell about my destination was that I was traveling to the center... the center of the universe for all I know.

I arrived there and seemed to come into orbit around this giant planet.

Its surface was the strangest thing I've ever seen, and my language is too limited to try and explain it. The best I can do is liken it to TV static. Even though it looked like a random pattern on the surface, I could somehow understand it and it communicated with me using this static.

It began reviewing my life back to me. At this point I came to the conclusion that I must have died.

And I started to become annoyed with the object as this replay was taking a very long time (what seemed like weeks) and I wanted it to hurry up and get to the part where I died, as I had no memory of actually dying.

As this went on for what seemed like eternity, I began to hear my wife's voice. This is when I realized that I was NOT hearing this sphere thing, as this was a completely different sensation. I heard her describing me to someone else, in the background to all this other stuff that was going on around me.

This overwhelming feeling of love for her washed over me like a wave, and then immediate sorrow as I could hear the fear in her voice and realized I was leaving her alone in the world.

At this point I involuntarily left the weird planet and returned to my body. And let me add that the return trip was very, very fast. Almost instantaneous, as the trip to the planet seemed to take hours.

I then opened my eyes to a strange environment; it seems I had forgotten my home as I had been gone a very long time.

Then all the memories of my house and life came flooding back into my mind and I sat strait up as I was apparently lying on the kitchen floor. My wife was on the phone with 911.

I asked what happened, and she said I just slumped over and fell on the floor. I asked how long I had been out and she said 5 minutes.

5 minutes?! How? I had days worth of memories...

The ambulance arrived, checked me out, and found no problems with me. To this day it gives me goosebumps to tell the story.

Ghost in the Mirror

The third experience was probably a year later. My mom had recently died suddenly of brain cancer, and I was in mourning. I was really upset and wishing I could speak to her again.

The most personal item of hers I had was a small 12" antique mirror that hung on her bedroom wall that she used to get ready for work every day.

I took the mirror out and looked into it, and what I saw in that mirror will be with me until the end of time. My own reflection slowly and almost unnoticeably changed into hers. I saw her smile at me which caused me to begin to cry, then she began to cry, then smiled again.

Frightened, I took the mirror, placed it in my closet, and haven't looked at it since. I was going to give it to my little brother, but I now can neither look into it nor part with it.

Today is the 2 year anniversary of her death, and I prayed to I-don't-know-what last night for advice. Let me add that prayer is extremely rare for me as I cannot seem to make myself believe in any mainstream religion.

And today I have not been able to shake this sudden interest in the occult.

Also, one of the last things my mom said to me has been in my mind all day, she said "A_______, I hope that you find spirituality in your life and may it bring you peace."

Was That Real...?

These things may just be my brain malfunctioning, or a manifestation of my own desires.

I have no idea, but I would really like your perspective on this, and I would like to ask if you have ever heard of something like this before.

Thanks in advance,

A., Ireland

Dear A.,

I've had similar experiences, A., as have lots of other people.

It's not that unusual, especially these days as all the borders are becoming more permeable... including the borders around our consciousness, and the barrier between the worlds of physical life and non-physical life ("death").

I've experienced a non-terrestrial life myself, and it's a very eye-opening experience! It is very difficult to explain — the words and even the concepts don't necessarily exist on Earth.

So it's normal to doubt your experiences and wonder if it was a mere brain glitch. Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

Ascertaining Whether It's Real

The current belief system in Western society disavows anything that it doesn’t know how to physically measure, labelling it as "unreal" and "untrue." This is ironic, considering the foundation of almost all scientific progress these days is based on subatomic particles/waves that are neither physical nor measurable.

This knee-jerk disbelief is called Scientific Materialism or Skepticism, and is virtually an atheistic religion — one that devoutly believes in non-spirituality despite any evidence, and one that persists in asserting that consciousness is merely a bio-chemical reaction, despite the fact that science itself has disproven that theory.

Here's the thing, though. Science can't measure anything that takes place outside Newtonian reality. So although science may not be able to back you up, you can still deduce whether or not it really happened.

The clues are how it felt, and how it affected you. How real was the experience to you? How enduring is the awareness that came with it?

When we have normal dreams or imagined experiences, they don't feel as absolutely completely palpable as when we have true expanded-consciousness experiences. And the repercussions don't last as long — we don't remember them as vividly as other memories, or still feel the impact of them, years later.

But when they ARE real, we remember them forever: clear and strong memories that rival anything we experienced in the physical body. And we are changed by them forever... even if only in ways that others can't perceive.

Only you can know.

You might need to suspend the implanted habit of disbelief, at least while you test it out for yourself.

If it helps, remember that every day hundreds of people have the same kind of experiences.

You're very lucky, in my opinion. Being able to experience things like these — opening wide the "doors of perception" — is a great gift!

How many unfortunate souls are locked into this tiny, limited, Earth-bound consciousness... and crave nothing more than some taste or promise that there is more? How many wish they could see and communicate with their loved ones on the Other Side once more?

What Mirrors See

I can understand your trepidation about seeing your image in the mirror morph before your eyes. That would be unsettling!

 Ghost/Spirit-Scrying in the Mirror   ©
What was actually happening naturally for you was something that many Wiccans strive to accomplish, perhaps without ever succeeding to that degree — Scrying. In other words, perceiving something outside ordinary space-time through the use of a focusing tool... in this case, a mirror.

Again, that's not unusual. Think about the ancient practice of covering the mirrors when someone dies, especially their own mirrors (which resonate with their Energy) — this is the root of that "superstition."

Sometimes mirrors can show us what our physical eyes neglect to see.

Your mother merely made use of that opportunity to communicate with you once more. To let you know that she's still alive on another plane of reality, that she loves you, and that she's here with you. To confirm that love, and life, never end!

When you think about it that way, it's far more heart-warming than chilling, right? Wicca-School Smilie Witch ©

Occult Calling

As for your sudden interest in the occult... how could you not be interested?? You've had not one but three potent personal events that prove there's more to life than what ordinary science and society can explain.

It would be far more mystifying if you weren't interested! Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

That's probably why your mother encouraged you to "find spirituality" — partly why, at least. The answers to your experiences lie there.

When we connect with our higher selves — you could call it the Divine, Cosmic Mind, the Universe, or whatever — all the answers are there for us to read. There are no secrets from the Divine! And spirituality is the way we reconnect with infinite mind/spirit.

Of course, there's an important difference between spirituality and religion. Religions like to intercede for us with the Divine. Spiritual paths lead you to commune with the Divine directly. You should know this, before you choose one.

I'm glad you reached out, A.

Bright Blessings to you!

HeartLoveGlow ©

dragonsong signature; click to write to erin

*   *   *  

Do you have a question you'd like answered? Email the Priestess and your question could be answered in a future issue.

(Note: questions may be edited for brevity or clarity. No real names will be disclosed. For reasons of legality, all questions become the property of

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Fave Quotes

Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.

~ Sufi saying

A saint is a sinner who never gave up.

~ Paramahansa Yogananda

If it can be solved, there's no need to worry. And if it can't be solved, worry is of no use.

~ 14th Dalai Lama

Satisfaction of one’s curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.

~ Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate

There is nothing beyond one grand field of consciousness, which holds: body is mind — matter is intelligence — physiology is consciousness.

~ Tony Nader

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

~ Abraham Lincoln

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Word on the Street

What People Are Saying About

I have always been Christian, but after finding the power and closeness to the Divine when doing spells, I've had to research it for myself.

I wanted to thank you for, as a Wiccan, and on a Wiccan site, posting such useful & tolerant articles based on Christianity. Thank you for not being hateful, but being open and peaceful.

I have learned a lot and quite enjoy your articles. I hope to reach a place of peace & knowledge about the truth of God & Jesus, and perhaps find peace about practicing magic as a 'Christian'. God bless you.

~ K. in South Africa

Thanks for writing!! I appreciate hearing from you! : )

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Energy-Field Barometer

This article owes much to ongoing explorations of the journey to the New Paradigm with Colombe. Thanks, Colombe! HeartLoveGlow ©

How to Keep Returning to the New Paradigm

An ongoing issue these days, as mentioned in earlier editions of the Silver Chalice, is a sense of flip-flopping between the Old Paradigm and the New Paradigm.

One minute we're thinking and acting out of higher consciousness, responding with love and compassion and peace... and the next minute — without warning! — we're stuck back in ego-mode, reacting with anxiety and anger and despair (or whatever our typical ego-emotions tend to be).

So the question arises... how do we reset ourselves to the New Paradigm when we find that we've backslid?

We need to re-align with the Resonance. But Resonance can be tricky to find, especially when the ego is in ascendance.

So rather than just look at the Energy Fields going around, this month, I thought it'd be helpful to explain how to set your own sails to find the Energy Field you want! Wicca-School Smilie Witch ©

Finding the New Resonance

When everything is inconstant flux, and life feels so different from what we've learnt to expect, it can be challenging to feel into the Resonance.

What does it mean to "feel the Resonance"?

I'm sure you know the feeling — you sense deep within, into a level of knowing where...

  • You can sense that deep down everything is really okay
  • You feel like things are falling into place effortlessly
  • You feel like you're being guided in a particular direction
  • You feel 100% certain about a choice you have to make
  • Coincidences keep showing up, just when you need a sign or a boost, and you know what they mean
  • (Your experiences with being in the Flow here)

Finding the Resonance isn't like looking at a map — there's nothing that shows you the way forward.

For myself, learning to sense the Resonance was kind of like feeling my way with a white cane, tapping here and there, and noticing what I feel as I go along — becoming aware of what the cane is telling me: there's an obstacle here; a clear path there....

That's just an analogy, of course. What it means is that you can't see the path with your eyes, or with your mind. You have to feel it with your body and with your heart.

It's like blindly feeling your way through unknown territory... but with a big difference:

It's not a scary unknown.

Even though it seems dark when we can't see ahead, we're feeling our way through a place filled with the Presence of a loving Goddess: gentle, kind, loving, supportive, and protective.

When The Path Is In Flux...

Lately, though, that sensing system is much less precise. It feels more like tapping with a pool noodle than a cane — it's squishy and bendy, and it's hard to tell where I am and what's going on.

This might be just me (and my circle of spiritual companions), but what my guides tell me is that it's because "solidity" in the material world is, essentially, melting down. Nothing is rock-solid anymore... not even rock. Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

It's all made of consciousness — and consciousness can be the most fluid material in existence. It's certainly becoming more fluid by the day!

Specifically, it's becoming easier to affect reality. Our power to co-create our world is increasing at an astonishing rate... not merely because our power is amplifying exponentially, but because reality itself is becoming more responsive, more fluid, more pliable.

What does this mean, in terms of sensing into the Resonance?

We're needing to relearn, it seems, what it means to connect with Source when all the solid boundaries are melting away, and everything is regaining a kind of unity.

That's why meditation is so helpful these days. It helps you access that level of awareness where you can feel and experience that everything is okay.

And it develops the senses and knowledge and skills we need to find our way through these challenging and exhilarating changes!

One of the most challenging and exhilarating of all is making the quantum leap to the New Paradigm.

How to Switch Back to New Paradigm Mode

This sounds nebulous — what does it even mean? How will you know when you're in the New Paradigm mode and when you've slipped back into the Old Paradigm mode?

Couldn't be easier! Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

When your emotions are
unpleasant, chaotic, cynical, or depressed,
you're in Old Paradigm Consciousness

When your emotions are
pleasant, peaceful, and optimistic,
you're in New Paradigm Consciousness

Yup! Emotions are the crux of the matter. Emotions exist, in fact, as a guidance system... and their purpose now is to help guide you into higher consciousness.

So to return to New Paradigm, higher consciousness, we must address the emotions, first and foremost.

I could write a whole book series on how to do this! This is definitely a passion for me. But I'll try to simplify it down to the very basics.

There are any number of methods to shift into a higher vibrational state. Many of them are explained in the Best Self-Healing Techniques to Make Real and Lasting Personal Transformation article on

Here are some quick-n-easy emotional-healing techniques for you:

wicca-spirituality Star Button   Feel what you feel.

Feel what's going on in your body. If you're having emotions, feel where they are in your body and what they're like.

Then love them.

Love the emotions, which are only your body trying to communicate with you. Love your body.

Love yourself for being willing to be there with yourself!
wicca-spirituality Star Button   Ground & Centre.

(If you're in A Year And A Day: 53 Weeks to Becoming a Wiccan, this is in Lesson #3.)

When you connect with the Light above and the Love in the Earth, you expand your Energy Field bigger than whatever problem you're facing... as well as Calling in Divine aid.

And Centering, as the name states, brings you back to your Centre. There, where the Goddess lives, everything can be seen in its true state of goodness.
wicca-spirituality Star Button   Look around you.

99 times out of 100, nothing bad is actually happening at this moment. The only trouble exists in your mind.

Look around and notice that in fact everything is okay in this moment.

Maybe even better than okay! Wicca-School Smilie Witch ©
wicca-spirituality Star Button   Pendulate.

When experiencing negative/unpleasant emotions, try going back and forth between the emotion and where you are right now.

For example, focus on the anxiety in your stomach (or wherever), then look at something pleasant outside you: a plant, the sky, a picture of a kitten — whatever makes you feel calm and happy. Let yourself take that feeling in; stay with it til you feel a more pleasant emotion.

Then go back to noticing the anxiety. Then steep in whatever's pleasant in your surroundings.

Anxiety. Pleasantness. Anxiety. Pleasantness.

As you do this, you’ll find that each time you return to the anxiety, it'll be a little less. It fades away, bit by bit.
wicca-spirituality Star Button   Shift your perspective.

If you allow your thoughts to dwell on the negative, your emotions are going to follow them into that pit of Hell.

Look on the bright side. Even when there's no bright side to be seen. In the very worst of situations, you can at least remind yourself that you're in training for something important to your future.

For especially stubborn thoughts/emotions, I've found Abraham-Hicks' Focus Wheel exercise to be really effective. (Hard to believe, but I haven't written about this online yet. It's explained perfectly in their book — see my review of it here — along with a number of other really effective tools.)
wicca-spirituality Star Button   Shift location and action.

Go somewhere that makes you feel good. Do something that truly makes you happy (i.e., not something that you’ll regret later).

We often feel like we have to stay where we are, even when we feel terrible there.

We don't! Sometimes just exchanging our environment — especially for a lovely, quiet, natural setting — is enough to bring us back to ourselves.
wicca-spirituality Star Button   Put attention on things at higher vibration.

Sometimes it's enough to just shift your attention for an hour or two. Some of my favourite standbys are...

wicca-spirituality Star Button   Breathe!

Breathe into your heart. Put your hands gently over your heart. Imagine your breath coming into and going out from your Heart Centre, allowing this to create more space around your heart.

It increases the power of this practice to imagine a flame there, fed by your breath, warming and softening the whole Heart Centre.

If you're experiencing extreme emotions, it helps to start with what I call a Reset Breath first:

Breathe deep into your belly, long slow breaths with a pause between inhalation and exhalation. This resets your vagus nerve — the communication channel between your intuition/deep knowing and your conscious mind, relaxing your parasympathetic nervous system.

Look on the Bright Side, even when there's no bright side to be seen...   ©

Many a time I've bemoaned the lack of a way to anchor fully in the New Paradigm without backsliding! Mostly because it's so painful to fall back. Wicca-School Winking Witch ©

I'm coming to realise, though, that it's not really about staying permanently in higher consciousness, but learning to dance easily across that line from Old to New, from ego to soul, from suffering to well-being — a dance that gets easier with practice.

In other words, we're designed to move ahead, and slip back a little, so we can practice over and over again whatever we need to move ahead again.

This is hardly consoling, when we're experiencing the misery of being in the Old Paradigm again, I know.

Perhaps this will hearten you...

Although we may continue to slip back,
we can never fall quite as far back as the time before.

HeartLoveGlow ©

*   *   *  

Notice or suspect an energy field going around? Can you confirm this reading, or shed more light on it?

I'd love to hear what's happening for you! Please let me know.

What to do about being caught in an unpleasant energy field? Click here for tips.

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