Goddess Awareness Week 2017:
Ancient Goddesses
only on Wicca-Spirituality.com
Welcome to Goddess Awareness Week 2017: Ancient Goddesses! (Hopefully next year to become a 28-day gala.

This event was created by erin Dragonsong (Wicca-Spirituality.com)
to celebrate and aid the return of the Divine Feminine to the Earth.
It would be wonderful to have this become an international festival someday, wouldn't it?
Imagine women, men, and children all over the world honouring the return of the Goddess all together, for a whole month!
For now, though, we must content ourselves with this more humble tribute on this website and related social media.
(That's not quite as tiny as it may sound, since Wicca-Spirituality.com reaches almost a million readers a year all around the Earth.
And if we
share this tribute with others, we can enhance the love and respect of the Divine Mother even more.)
Skip Ahead to Ancient Goddesses
How Goddess Awareness Week Works
Each day this week, I'll bring you another Goddess image with a brief introduction. These will be posted first on the Wicca-Spirituality social media:
The informational graphics will also be added to this page during the week.
Meeting them one by one like this, you can take some time to get to know and honour each one. Some ways you might do this include...
Meditating on her |
Creating an altar for her |
Doing a ritual to honour and empower her |
Invite her to make herself known to you |
Do a collage, painting, sculpture, song, or other creative work for her |
Have a conversation in your journal with her |
Do more research on her |
Sharing information about her with others |
(Your ideas here) |
Ancient Goddesses
It seems fitting for our first Goddess Awareness Week to focus on a few of the earliest ancient Goddesses found on Earth: our starting point in the procession of female Deities.
Thinking in terms of thousands of years is challenging enough, but trying to imagine TENS or HUNDREDS of thousands of years ago is truly daunting.
I invite you to take a moment, though, to really try to picture how many generations have been worshipping the feminine as a Divinity!
(And consider how short a time, in comparison, the Goddess was excluded from human spirituality, before She was reborn.)
About These Deities
Originally labelled "Venuses" due to the discoverers' cultural blindness to feminine forms of Divinity, these are patently Mother Goddesses from prehistory.
You'll see certain symbolisms frequently recurring in these ancient icons, such as red ochre and an "unfinished" face.
Red ochre was, and still is, used to represent the Holy Blood of the Divine Mother the magickal, mysterious menstrual fluid that was the gift of the Moon and the source of life for humans. Many ancient female deities were found with traces of red ochre on them, which is evidence of their role as Great Mother Goddesses.
The "hidden face" is also common: ancient icons often lack facial features. This indicates that the carving is not of a specific person but of a Divine being.
Details of Divinity can't be clearly seen, and the anonymity of the figurines reflect this spiritual wisdom.
An interesting fact is that more than over 90% of the discovered human figures from between 30,000 to 5,000 BCE (Before Common Era) are female. So despite the tendency to downplay these statuettes as mere fertility-cult figures or primitive pornographic sex-idols, it seems obvious that women were held in very high esteem particularly in their child-bearing attributes.
This isn't surprising... the idea that women may be a mere vessel for men's generative seed has existed for less than an eyeblink in human history.
And if women were revered for the truly awe-some and miraculous power to create life,
it's inevitable that the power itself would be personified and revered... as the Mother Goddess.
Now, allow me to introduce to you a few of the iconic ancient representations of these Goddesses. (Click on an image to go to that ancient Goddess.)
Who is Your Favourite Ancient Goddess?
And Why?
Please share Her with us in the comments below!
(These may be added to the page at the conclusion of Goddess Awareness Week. If you choose, they can be posted under a pseudonym - just let me know what name you'd like to use.)
The Final Goddess
for Goddess Awareness Week:
Love the Goddess;
Love your Body!
With Bright Blessings,
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