Living Wicca
* Hot Off The Presses *
The Silver Chalice is now reborn as
the eLOVEation email community...
And it's better than ever!
(The rest of what I've written belows still applies)
I hope to see you there!
The Silver Chalice is an email magazine (e-zine) that gives you
the latest articles on Wicca magick, rituals, frequently asked questions and more.
It is dedicated to helping you reach greater fulfillment in your Wiccan and spirituality practices.
It's the official email community of, and it's absolutely free!
(You can see
sample back issues at the bottom of this page. And see testimonials below.)

Don't miss this opportunity to get great, exclusive articles and so much more.
~ Get Your Spiritual Booster Shot! ~
It's essential to have a spiritual community, as all great spiritual leaders have taught.
It provides vital inspiration, to counter the daily weight of anxiety, stress, grief etc. that bombards us every day.
Receiving the Silver Chalice is a wonderful way to
take care of your spiritual well-being.
Hope to see you around the email community!
With Bright Blessings,
What You'll Receive As A Subscriber
What People Are Saying About the Silver Chalice
"I find new ideas and a deeper understanding of Wicca, every single issue. You have a unique insight into Wicca, and you convey it so clearly. Thank you!"
"Never what I expect... So many Wiccan writers keep saying the same things, but this [magazine] really stands out from the crowd. No ordinary Wicca articles here."
"I love the Energy Barometer. It's so reassuring to find out that I'm not the only one with these crazy things happening. It keeps me sane."
"It's a treat to get such quality material, delivered right to me, and it doesn't even cost me anything. It's like a gift. Thanks!"
"This should be a print magazine.... So much love obviously goes into making it, and so much excellent information comes out of it."
"The Silver Chalice is AWESOME."
"I actually look forward to receiving the latest issue. Most e-zines, I don't hardly notice they're here before I delete them."
"No one else does anything like this...."
"This is the best Wiccan e-zine on the web . . . maybe the best e-zine, period."
Six issues a year with
exclusive articles to help you understand what it really means of be Wiccan, and how to get the most out of your practice.

Read up on what the
Wiccan Sabbats and Holy Days are all about.

Find out about the best Wiccan books available today.
And, two truly unique features:
The Spiritual Rebirth Barometer
Having weird things happen, or strong emotions come up? Feeling moody for no real reason?
Check out the barometer... it may be an energy field you're picking up on!
Updates on the progress of humanity's spiritual transition, and a reading on current energy fields that are going around.
When you know what's going on, you don't feel so out of control.
And you'll also receive
tips on how to deal with these energy fields, and how you can empower the spiritual evolution that's going on now!
Ask The Priestess
In each issue we'll answer a question posed by one of our readers. It could be you!
Find out the answers to your burning questions!
Plus . . .
- Quotes,
- Recommended resources,
- Special offers,
- Personal messages from Erin Dragonsong written exclusively for members.
All these things are available only to you as a subscriber of the Silver Chalice E-Zine.
And of course it will keep you informed of major changes and new features at the website too.
All the inspiring and informative things you'd expect from!
Free ThankYou Gift
In addition, as if all this wasn't already a great free opportunity, I'd like to offer you a thank-you for signing up.
You'll receive 9 (count 'em . . . Nine!)
free inspiration posters that you can download and print out, including . . .
- Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann (Go placidly amid the noise and haste... You are a child of the universe...)
- Born To Shine, by Marianne Williamson (It is our light not our darkness that frightens us...)
- Do It Anyway, by Mother Teresa (People are often unreasonable, illogical,
and self-centered; Forgive them anyway...) and
- The Divine Mother Prayer (O Divine Mother, May all my speech and idle talk be mantra...)
What You Will NOT Receive
SPAM (unsolicited mass e-mails). Be assured that we do not sell, rent, share, trade or give away any of your personal information unless required by law. Participation in this email community is strictly voluntary and you can cancel at any time.
Joining is easy! Just fill out
this tiny form . . .
So Sign Up Now and let the inspiration flow!
Subscribe free to the Silver Chalice E-zine
First, Whitelist Us!
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Otherwise, your email server may bounce your e-zine!
Not sure if you want to subscribe? Please see this Note from erin .
And of course, you can always unsubscribe at any time with just a click.
You will soon receive an email to confirm your subscription.
Just click to confirm, and your free thankyou gift will be on its way to you!
Please Note
You will need a working e-mail address in order to sign up, otherwise you will not get the newsletter! DO NOT use spam protected e-mail accounts where the sender has to confirm each e-mail, as this will block your e-zine from delivery.
If for any reason you cannot subscribe through this online form,
please email me with your details.
Thanks for joining us!
Check Out These
Silver Chalice E-Zine Back Issues
Silver Chalice Newsletter, Aug '07
Feature Article: A Step Forward In Spiritual Evolution
There has been a big step forward in spiritual evolution this year. Perhaps you've noticed it. Some signs are . . .
- Lammas: A Celebration of the Sun's Gifts
- Albert Einstein on Religion, Art, & Science
- The Shifting Temperature Scale
- Chakras In Wicca?
Silver Chalice Newsletter, Oct '07
Feature Article: A Relationship With The Divine
In the West, a relationship with the Divine has only one typical form -- a form with limited potential: the relationship of children to Divine Parent. But there are other options to inspire & liberate your greatest spiritual potential . . .
- Samhain: Turning Within
- Palm-Reading and Your Child
- Starhawk on Religion
- Lightening Up With Food
Silver Chalice Newsletter, Oct '07
Feature Article: Spiritual Light and Sacred Dark
It's a lovely snowfall today. One of my favourite things in the world, and rare here on the West Coast of Canada:
Fluffy white flakes gently sifting from the sky, blessing everything it touches with delicate white kisses . . . .
Or is it?. . .
- Pre-Yule: Celebrating the Light By Honouring the Sacred Dark
- How Important Is the God in Wicca?
- Douglas Adams on Perspective
- The Purpose of Life: Be Happy?
Find more back issues here.