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Akhilandeshvari — Hindu Goddess Never-Not-Broken Amaterasu — Japanese sun Goddess Annapurna — Hindu Goddess of Food and Nourishment Aphrodite / Venus — Greek Goddess of love and beauty Artemis / Diana — Greek/Roman Goddess of the hunt, virginity, and childbirth, twin sister of Apollo, and an Olympian, often associated with the moon Astarte — Phoenician Goddess of fertility, sexuality, and war Athena — Greek Goddess of wisdom, defensive and strategic wars Bast — Egyptian solar and war Goddess (in the form of a cat) Baubo — Greek Goddess of mirth, jests, and bawdy humour. A bawdy body goddess, sexuality and play (in an adult sense) and ribald humour, the power of life (in a manifest sense) and procreation and enjoying — even flaunting — flirtation and sexuality. Also the one who teasingly, laughingly tempted Amaterasu out of her cave — ie, brings us out of intellect and isolation into our physical selves and connection. (At least, this is how I understand her.) The Goddess of Having A Good Time! Brighid — Celtic Goddess of poetry, healing, and crafts (especially smith-work), holy wells and eternal flames Cerridwen — Celtic Goddess of transformation, of the cauldron of inspiration, of prophecy Cybele — Greek Earth Mother Danu — Irish Mother Goddess Demeter — Greek Goddess of the harvest and of grain, mother of Persephone Durga — Hindu Great Goddess, Divine Mother Eos — Greek Goddess of the dawn Ereshkigal — Mesopotamian Goddess of Darkness, Death, and Gloom Flora — Roman Goddess of flowers Fortuna — Roman Goddess of fortune Freya or Freyja — Norse Goddess of fertility, sexual liberty, abundance, and war Frigg — Norse Goddess of marriage, household management, and love, Queen of Heaven, and wife of Odin Gaia / Earth Mother — The Greek Goddess Gaia is the primordial Goddess of earth, mother and grandmother of the first generation of Titans Hathor — Egyptian Goddess of the Milky Way, Mother Goddess, Goddess of childbirth and death Hecate — Greek Goddess of witchcraft and magick, crossroads, and the harvest moon Hestia — Greek Goddess of the hearth and domestic life Hel — Norse Goddess daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, Queen of the Dead Hera — Roman Goddess of the Hearth, of women, and of marriage Inanna — Sumerian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare Isis — Egyptian Mother Goddess, matron of nature and magick, Goddess of creativity and the underdog Ishtar — Mesopotamian Goddess of sexual love, fertility, and war Juno — Roman Queen of Heaven, Queen of the Gods. Juno is the Goddess of marriage and childbirth, home and family. (This is why June, named for this Goddess, is considered the most auspicious month for weddings.) Juno guards the family's wealth and the nation's finances. Invite Her in, when asking for help manifesting greater abundance for your family. The peacock is Her special animal and symbol. to honour Her, offer a pink rose. Kali — Hindu Goddess of Time and Death, slayer of demons, protectress (as Kali Ma: Divine Mother Goddess) Kore — Greek Maiden Goddess of bountiful Earth (See also Persephone) Kuan Yin , Kwan Yin Ma , Quan Yin — Chinese Goddess of Mercy and Compassion Lakshmi — Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Fertility (Goddess as Mother/Sustainer) Lalita — Hindu Goddess of Beauty Luna — Roman Goddess of the Moon Ma'at — Egyptian Goddess, personified concept of truth, balance, justice, and order Mary — Mother Goddess, Queen of Heaven, Goddess of Femininity Maya — Hindu Goddess of Illusion and Mystery Minerva — Roman Goddess of wisdom and war Morrigan — Celtic war Goddess Nut — Egyptian Goddess of heaven and the sky and all celestial bodies Parvati — Hindu Divine Mother, the embodiment of the total energy in the universe, Goddess of Power and Might Pele — Hawai'ian volcano Goddess, Destroyer and Creatrix Persephone — Greek Goddess daughter of Demeter, Queen of the Underworld, also a grain-Goddess, Maiden Goddess Radha — Hindu Divine Mother Rhiannon — Celtic Goddess of the moon Rosmurta — Celtic/Roman Goddess of abundance. She is also the Goddess of Business Success. Saraswati — Hindu Goddess of Knowledge, the Arts, Mathematics, Education, and cosmic Wisdom (Creatrix) Sedna — Inuit Goddess of the Sea and Queen of the Underworld Selene — Greek Goddess of Moon Shakti — Hindu primordial cosmic energy, Great Divine Mother Shekina — Hebrew Goddess of compassion in its purest form (feminine aspect of God) Sita — Hindu Goddess representing perfect womanhood Sol — Norse Sun Goddess Sophia — Greek Goddess of wisdom Spider Woman — Teotihuacan Great Goddess (Creatrix) Tara — Hindu, Mother Goddess, the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propels all life. Tara, Green — Buddhist female Buddha, Tibetan Buddhism of compassion, liberation, success. Compassionate Buddha of enlightened activity Tara, White — Buddhist Goddess known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra Tara, Red — fierceness, magnetizing all good things Tara, Black — power Tara, Yellow — wealth and prosperity Tara, Blue — transmutation of anger Tiamat — Mesopotamian dragon Goddess, embodiment of primordial chaos (the Velvet Dark) Uma — Hindu Goddess of power, the personification of light and beauty, embodying great beauty and divine wisdom Vesta — Roman Goddess of the hearth Voluptas — Roman Goddess of pleasure Yemaya — Yoruban Mother Goddess, Goddess of the Ocean White Buffalo Calf Woman — Lakota Goddess To access info on more Pagan Goddess names from various cultures, see A Small Dictionary of Pagan Gods & Goddesses.
Crone Goddess — Title used for Wiccan Goddesses of death, rebirth, and wisdom, such as Cerridwen, and Hecate. Signifying wisdom, mystery, the Gates between the Worlds, etc. Earth Goddess — Title used for embodiments of the Earth, such as Greek Goddess Gaia, Demeter, Cybele. Great Mother Goddess — Creatrix existing in most religions, under various names such as Demeter, Gaia, Isis, Parvati (also Great Goddess, Great Mother, Divine Mother). Moon Goddess — Title used for Goddesses of the Moon, such as Luna, Selene, and Artemis. Mother Goddess — Title used for the bountiful embodiment of the Earth (see Earth Goddess). Signifying life, procreation, fecundity, abundance, etc. Maiden Goddess — Title used for Goddesses who personify the youthful energy of spring, such as Kore, Diana (also Virgin Goddess) Queen of Heaven — Title used for Virgin Mary, Asherah, and possibly other Great Mother Goddesses Queen of the Underworld — Title used for Ereshkigal, Persephone, and possibly other Death Goddesses Star Goddess — Primary Goddess, Creatix of All Triple Goddess — Worshipped since the 7th millennium BC as the Goddess in three aspects — as a young woman, a birth — giving matron, and an old woman (Maiden — Mother — Crone). Passed down through the ages into virtually all religions:
With Brightest Blessings,
erin Dragonsong
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