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I encourage you, when you decide to get a Wiccan book — or any book, to purchase it from your local independent bookstore.
There are good reasons for this. The massive chains like Amazon.com and especially Indigo/Chapters are making it increasingly different to get quality, non-mainstream books published. That means that every time you buy a book from one of them, you reduce the range of good books in the future — on the subjects that you are interested in!
And every time you buy from an independent, you support the publishing of other books based on excellent content and interesting viewpoints rather than lowest-common-denominator mass appeal.
Wiccan books, Goddess books, magick books, Earth-loving books, feminist books... these are all "fringe" topics as far as the publishing world is concerned. If you want to see more of them, keep voting with your dollars by purchasing from the author or your local independent bookstores.
Sometimes a book is out of print, or your local store can't order it. In which case, you'll want to maybe buy Wiccan books online. So I've included links for your convenience.
Use your own judgement, and follow your values. That's the only way to build and hold your Power.
Frankly, there's a lot of bunk out there, but if it's got a nice cover and looks professional, how do you know whether it's giving you accurate information or hogwash?
Wiccan books are especially prone to such questions, since there is a ton of false information already circulating about Wicca and Witches.
And the good stuff can be hard to find.
Plus the deluge of information these days can leave you wondering, Where should you start when you are a Wicca beginner?
So what are the best Wicca books? This is, in fact, probably the most common question I receive.
And that's where this page comes in.
If you've been reading our online 'zine, The Silver Chalice, you will have seen that there's a new Wiccan book review with (almost) every issue. Until now, they've only been accessible to subscribers. But now they are gathered together for easy access in one place.
And because there's a lot more to being Wiccan than witchcraft and ritual, you'll also find reviews on some of the best books on spirituality, metaphysics, new sciences, and more. Including a section on what I consider some of the best tarot decks available.
Here are reviews of some of the best Wiccan books to help you pick what's useful from what's not.
You can also find more recommended Wiccan books here.
Starhawk's classic Wiccan book, The Spiral Dance, is probably the best introduction to Wicca spiritual practice you can get on paper. It's a book for the conscious, adult Wiccan... someone who wants to develop the real Craft of being a Witch. There is a ...
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The Twelve Wild Swans, by Starhawk and Hilary Valentine (Book Review)
The Twelve Wild Swans is a fantastic workbook for Wiccans of all levels who want to develop their skills and further a connection with Earth and Spirit. Its unique concept offers practical exercises on 3 different levels ...
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Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
This book has been the classic introduction to Wicca for a whole generation of solitary Witches. Cunningham's unadorned style and clear instructions on the very basics of the Witchcraft are as useful today as when the book was written. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner offers simple rituals that a novice will have no difficulty following. It also includes an Author's Book of Shadows, to get you started....
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The Witches' God, by Janet and Stewart Farrar — Book Review
The Witches' God is an excellent introduction to Wiccan gods archetypes. The Farrars' research is strong and their perspective refreshing. An essential part of any Witch's library, and here's why...
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The New Book of Magical Names
, by Phoenix McFarland
If you're interested in choosing a Wiccan name for yourself, your child, pet, coven, business, or anything else,The New Book of Magical Names leaves other naming books in the dust. Listed in the prestigious New York Times "Reader's Guide to the Best 10,000 Books in Print," it tells you what you really want to know, when you're looking for Wiccan names, or just unique, non-traditional names...
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Loving the Goddess Within: Sex Magick For Women
, by Nan Hawthorne
Loving the Goddess Within: Sex Magick For Women reveals the sensual aspect of spiritual worship. "Love and sex are essential parts of magick...re-enactments of the Goddess's initiating and sustaining energy." The premise of Hawthorne's book is that sexuality and the passionate interplay of energies is integral to Wicca . . .
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White As Bone, Red As Blood: The Fox Sorceress, by Cerridwen Fallingstar
Written with gentle yet skillful brushstrokes, this enchanting tale of a young Japanese woman coming into her power and finding her own way to love evokes an exquisite feeling of cherry blossom petals softly falling where they may. An added treat is Fallingstar's delicate and beautifully wrought poetry ...
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The Path of the Blue Raven
, by Mark Townsend (Book Review)
Mark Townsend is an ex-priest of the Church of England who performs spiritually-oriented magic shows in churches. That is, until a church memo went out to ban him... because he consorts with Pagans. The Path of the Blue Raven, Townsend's 4th book, is a recounting of his quest to find true spirituality, when he couldn't find it within the church.
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Ask and It Is Given
, by Abraham-Hicks
Ask And It Is Given is absolutely the most important resource on manifesting what you want...and not what you don't. It explains the main reason that we still often fail to manifest what we intend, and most important, what to do about it...
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The Motherpeace Tarot Deck is a classic tarot card deck, with all the major and minor arcana cards you'd expect.
With one major difference...
It replaces the old patriarchal bias of standard Tarot cards with insight into the old Goddess traditions.
Besides being much more relevant to modern life, this makes it a favourite Wicca Tarot deck.
This book makes it easy to learn the Tarot...
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What sets the Tarot of Transformation apart from any other I've seen, aside from its gorgeous illustrations, is its approach. Coming from a perspective of high spiritual consciousness, it uplifts your awareness from the struggle of life to the deeper meaning and purpose of events.
This is less a deck for questions about career and love life, and more a knowledgeable guide on your spiritual journey.
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The Medicine Cards is especially useful to those who love animals, and those who seek wisdom from the natural world, making it an excellent Wicca tarot deck.
As you learn the meaning of the animals, you begin to understand the messages that come to you through interactions with real wildlife, like what it means...
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Although this is technically a game, it works like a tarot card deck, and then some!
As the name suggests, it does more than divination. It literally transforms problems in your life and opens up more positive opportunities.
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Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
by David R. Hawkins
Power vs. Force explores the nature of true power, which is always of the spirit. As Hawkins demonstrates, force is only on the material level, and so is constantly needing to be justified and backed up with rhetoric. Power, on the other hand, never needs justification ...
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The Cosmic Serpent
by Jeremy Narby
The Cosmic Serpent: Narby is an anthropologist who made a daring leap — he believed what the shamans of other cultures swore was true. Might that explain how their shamans know things they couldn't possibly know?...  
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A New Earth
by Eckhart Tolle
"A New Earth" — how could this not be an excellent book for Wiccans? Aren't we all dreaming of and working for the day when the Earth is reborn? When humanity sees the Earth — and each other — with new eyes, with love and respect? While Tolle doesn't elaborate on this New Earth, he effectively illustrates how to get there...
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The Pagan Christ
, by Tom Harpur — Book Review
Overall The Pagan Christ by Tom Harpur is suited more to a Christian audience than a Pagan one (unless you're into Christian Wicca). But it does have 4 things going for it that make it all worth it...
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With Brightest Blessings,
erin Dragonsong
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