Want to befriend the Totem Animals
who walk through life with you?
Find the Totem Animals
Who Walk Through Life With You!
Do you want to know your Totem Animals (or Animal Spirit Guides)?
Well, they want to know you, too!
Have you been wondering how you can make contact with them? Makes sense! After all, who doesn't want...
Wise Teachers
to guide you,
Strong Defenders
to protect you,
Powerful Mentors
to liberate your hidden abilities and potential
Caring Allies
to assist you,
Friendly Beings
to share your life with
That's what Totem Animals are all about. Totem Animals are teachers, mentors, guides, and friends... who come in the form of animals.
They are like animal angels , who open the door for you to another realm of existence a life of wonder, joy, and satisfaction.
Want to befriend the Totem Animals
who walk through life with you?
There are two things you need, to be able to meet and communicate with your Animal Spirit Guides. And that's what other books keep missing.
There’s a lot of advice out there on Animal Spirits, these days. Much of it is data without technique: lots of information about various animals or their symbolic meanings. However, there's almost nothing on
how to reach them or really communicate with them.
That's all good as far as it goes... but does it get you
the results you want?
Here's what does deliver:
A Matchless Resource
For years I’ve been helping people develop the exciting skills that you need to speak with your Animal Spirit Guides.
And through these hundreds of hours, I’ve distilled the process I’m now ready to give you
a remarkable step-by-step method to easily discover and communicate with
your Animal Spirit Guides.
The best part is, this works even if you have NO IDEA how to actually talk with animal spirits.
With this special method, you can!
Here is the comprehensive guide to Animal Spirit Guides to help you find and befriend the Animal Spirits that have chosen to guide you in this life...
A Natural Connection: Discover Your Animal Spirit Guides and How They Can Help You!
I will personally lead you through finding your Animal Spirit Guides and what you can do with them...

This superb book gently guides the reader step by step, with easy practical exercises, in how to discover, bond, and listen to their animal spirit guides.
It offers a clear, concise, nurturing path to develop and awaken within you the ability to connect with spirit.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
This is such a powerful tool to help you access the deeper realm and discover your animal spirit guides.
Gayle Church
Author and Mind-Body Practitioner St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
There are two major challenges involved with accessing your Totem Animals:
finding them, and what to do from there. This book helps with both...
Finding Your Totem Animals
In order to successfully seek your Animal Spirit Guides, and to be sure which ones
really are your guides, you need two things:
- Inside knowledge about Animal Spirit Guides, and...
- The ability to perceive them.
Understanding: Answers To All Your Questions
This book
reveals what you most need to know about finding your true Guides and accessing their powers and assistance...
What are Totem Animals?
4 kinds of Animal Spirit Guides
Which animal is YOUR Totem Animal, and how to make certain it's the right one
How to communicate with them when they show up in physical form
What are Shadow Guides
Are Animal Spirit Guides evil?
What to watch out for
What to do if an Animal Spirit Guide threatens or frightens you
What really is shapeshifting?
What is a Familiar? (And much more...)
Being Able To See And Hear Them
A number of books have a visualisation to follow, supposedly to find an Animal Spirit Guide. Then they leave you to figure out the details.
How helpful is that, if your visualisations aren't so perfect that you can see and talk to a spirit guide clearly?
Let's face it, most of us do not easily visualise so well.
And that's where other resources fail to help you. They don't give you
the techniques that allow you to really see and hear your Totem Animals.
This book, however, excels in helping people do just that. And it surpasses all the others because the author has been
teaching this sort of thing to people just like you... for decades.
The Right Teacher Makes All The Difference!
It really helps to have a
world-renowned spiritual teacher guide you.
I take you by the hand through specially-developed, practical exercises that are easy enough for anyone to do, powerful practices that teach you all the critical skills that
enable you to meet your Animal Spirit Guide like honing your mental abilities, opening your psychic centre, and developing your intuition.
With more than a quarter century of experience in spirituality and communicating with nature and animal spirits, I bring exceptional information you can't find anywhere else.
If you're familiar with my work, you will expect and be pleased with the
amount and quality of unique insights presented in these books.
And it was written specifically with your needs in mind: directions, tips, and tools for animal lovers to meet their personal animal guides.
A Natural Connection does everything but hand you your Animal Spirit Guides on a platter. It makes it virtually guaranteed that you
will meet your Animal Spirit Guides.
No re-packaged, regurgitated pap here —
this book is packed with 100% incandescent wisdom and indispensable techniques that really work.
And what makes it even more distinctive is all this:
- The spiritual perspective...
A Natural Connection is a seeker's guide. It's not just about Animal Spirits, it shows how they can help you on your spiritual journey and in connecting with the Earth... written by a leader in nature spirituality.
- Step-by-step directions that are super-easy to follow, making a perhaps-daunting process easy, clear, and simple.
- A finely-honed, proven system that allows you to progress gradually, at your own pace.
A Natural Connection is simply the best resource for interacting with your Animal Spirit Guides.
There's more detail here on interacting with your Totem Animals than any other resource out there.

Though I scarcely had any knowledge of spirit guides, I found the author set out the path for her readers' encounters with clarity and a relieving dash of humour.
Never did I feel intimidated by the spiritual journey ahead of me because of the pages of preparatory material...
In fact,
what I loved most about this guide was that it helped me become more aware of my own self, body and soul, as much as it helped me become aware of my spirit guide.
Abigail C. Oxford, England
What To Do Once You've Found Them
Experiencing the power and magic of Animal Spirit Guides is the best part. This is what makes them so compelling!
Why is it, then, that other books don't offer much help with this?? In my opinion, this is the most vital thing you need to know. That's why I created 2 whole companion volumes to fill this most crucial gap.
Once you've found them, you need to know what to do with them. That involves 3 things...
1. Building Relationships With Your Animal Spirit Guides
Why do you need this?
Because you can't just walk up to an animal spirit and ask it for guidance or expect it to bare its soul, just like that.
There are two VITAL things you need to know first:
- How to develop a true friendship
- How to effectively enlist their help
And if you skip either of these, you won't open up the immense potential Animal Spirit Guides offer.
There are four stages you need to address, to befriend Animal Spirits. This book leads you through each one, making them easy and fun to do.
2. Enlisting Their Help
You can't very well ask for help if you don't know what they can do, right? This part starts by showing you how and details exactly how to make the most of their abilities.
Here's what the Table of Contents looks like for Volume 2 of this set:
As if all this isn't way more than you can get elsewhere, there's a third indispensable volume:
3. Troubleshooting: what to do
when things go wrong
As with any new endeavour, you can run into snags. What if you can't find your Totem Animals? What if they're scary?
You'll want to know what to do then!
To me, this is vital support for finding your Totem Animals.
Take a peek at what's in this must-have Troubleshooting guide...
So here’s exactly what you'll get
- 15 fun and proven exercises to help you discover and communicate with your Totem Animals (See a sample one below.)
- Volume 1: 117-pages of unique information, insights, tips, and explanations about Totem Animals
- Volume 2: 39-pages on how to work with your Totem Animals including invoking their protection and receiving guidance
- Volume 3: 26-pages on Troubleshooting
- 9 convenient Playsheets to help you recognise Totem Animals when they appear in your life in physical form
- And of course a money-back guarantee, so it's 100% risk-free
All that's left is for you to play with the exercises in this unique book, and invite some Animal Spirits to join you!
When I picked up “A Natural Connection” I got more than I expected. It's full of practical advice...
Volume 1 was very thorough and prepared me well...ensures that you are READY to meet your Animal Spirit Guides.
While I was impressed by the guide itself I was most amazed by the companion books.
Volume 2 is incredible as it walks you through building a solid relationship with your new found guides. It got rid of the stage fright I was feeling...
Then... in case of emergencies there is Volume 3! The troubleshooting guide is the kind of help book you wish your appliances came with. It was direct, helpful and was thankfully delivered with a reassuring tone.
This book has been a pleasure to read and the results I am getting have been encouraging and exciting.
Kaeleigh MacDonald Houston, Texas, USA
All The Secrets In One Package
Everything you need to know to find and work with your Totem Animals, this book not only tells you, it
shows you how to do!
Ceremonies, spells, and prayers to call your Totem Animals to you
Guided Visualisation to communicate with your Animal Spirit Guides
3 alternate methods to finding your Animal Spirit Guides
The 9 indispensable skills you need to communicate with Totem Animals, and how to develop them
Criteria to recognise when your Animal Spirit Guides are trying to communicate with you
The 3 mental qualities you will need, and how to get them
Everything you need to fulfill your heart's yearning for Animal Spirit Guides.
Want even more great stuff?
Can it get any better than all this?
Turns out... yes!
There's a lot of a extra perks you'll pick up along the way.
Developing your innate telepathic ability
Discovering the Divine's messages to you in all of nature
Info on altered states of consciousness & achieving them easily
Hearing from your body what it needs & guiding it to improvement!
5 things every beginner should know about meditation
Learning to communicate with trees.
Doing highly successful visualizations
Excellent spiritual and psychic exercises for beginners
So say "YES" to your heart's desire for animal companionship and relationship with nature
Animal Spirits are eager to befriend you. Some are walking with you right now.
can discover who they are and how to access their power. You can meet with them and communicate your needs, questions, and wishes.
There are so many ways that they improve your life...
Discover your lifelong animal spirit friends and...
- Gain potent spiritual abilities
- Enter a miracle-based reality
- Have proof that you are always loved, supported, and guided... and never alone! You always have devoted companionship.
- Gain insight into yourself
- Develop your hidden potentials
- Release your wild side in a positive way
- Discover your Purpose and Life Mission
- Positively affect the world
- Meet the Divine Within you
- Experience joy, harmony, and satisfaction
- Increase your confidence, self-worth and personal power
- Reconnect with nature and Mother Earth
How to Open Your Third Eye
Your third eye is your psychic centre. This is another name for your 6th chakra, situated more or less between your eyebrows.
It's considered "open" when energy moves freely through this chakra, making you receptive to psychic or intuitive insights.
The first step in opening up your 6th chakra is proper posture.
No kidding!
Most people want something more esoteric, but the fact is that your body is the physical radio that allows you to tune into Cosmic signals, and your spine is the electrical cord that plugs it in. A cord that is kinked doesn't allow energy to move through it very well.
Therefore, the first order of business when wanting to clear, open, or align your chakras is to allow the cord to function as well as possible.
So start by finding and maintaining proper posture.
Opening The Chakras A Caution
When people ask how to open their chakras, I usually shudder.
Chakras get closed up for a reason. Forcing them open artificially can have unanticipated and unpleasant effects.
A better goal is to keep the body and spirit in balance. You will then find that the chakras open naturally. If you're well-balanced, you can speed up the process, with less likelihood of harming yourself.
The good news is: if you've been doing all the exercises in this book, you are already well on your way to balancing and healing yourself on many levels.
Some parts we don't deal with here that are also important for this process are:
- using meditation, affirmations, and reflection to strengthen and discipline the mind, and
- good health routines (like good posture, plenty of water, exercise, rest and sleep, stretches, and healthy diet) to strengthen and prepare the body for increased Energy flow.
Use these daily to prepare for chakra opening.
Also, be aware that if you want to open one chakra, you must open them all. The Breathing exercise, below, for instance, can be done with any chakra.
Each chakra you open increases the Energy flow through your spine. Any one that is closed is like a dam across a river. So if you are opening one chakra, work with tll of them, to make sure they are equally open. You don’t want a lot of energy running up against a dam at any point!
Remember, you have full responsibility for your well-being, and develop any weak areas in your life so that it's in balance with all the rest: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Then you can safely start opening up your chakras.
Exercise: Breathing Into Your Third Eye
- In a comfortable position, with your spine well-aligned, imagine yourself in a shower of Light pure white brilliant Light.
- Take a few deep breaths, and relax more with each exhalation, while keeping your spine aligned and lifted..
- Bring your gaze gently toward the space between your eyebrows.
- Breathe deeply, inhaling the Light that surrounds you. Imagine that you are gently inhaling Light directly into your Third Eye.
- Go slowly and tenderly. If you feel any discomfort or distress, breathe into that feeling a few times, and then stop for a while. Come back to finish this exercise another time. The last thing you want to do is force open a chakra, especially this one!
You may need to do this exercise a number of times before you get all the way through it. And that's okay! It's better to be gentle with yourself and gradually build up the "flexibility" to open a chakra, than to be rough and cause yourself all kinds of problems.
- Continue breathing Light into your Third Eye, noticing how the Light gradually softens the space, relaxing it. You may feel that area gently expanding with your breath.
- Feel the Light. Feel its tingling warm vibration filling up your Third Eye. (If you're not sure you can feel it, then imagine it... sooner or later you will start to notice that the sensation is actually there.)
- Notice if you hear a new sound, or smell a surprising fragrance, or see colours or patterns. This may or may not occur; if it does, simply observe it. Stay focused on the Light.
- Imagine the Light washing this chakra clear, so that no veil or shadow obstructs the Light.
- The Light in your Third Eye begins to shine, like a Star placed on your brow. This Star is the conduit, the resonating crystal through which psychic information passes into your awareness.
- As you continue to breathe Light into this chakra, you can begin to sense that it is now more open to receiving impressions and insights from subtle and unseen sources. It is as if your eyes have now opened onto other planes of existence. And not just your eyes — all your senses, including your emotional sense. In a very real way, this is exactly what has happened.
- Feel the Light and your breath as it continues to expand the Third Eye.
- Become aware that the spot on your forehead is only part of the story: it is a reflection of the chakra in the centre of your head, deep within your brain. This part too is growing in the Light.
- Your whole head is now lit up with this radiant Light, which shines outward from your 6th chakra, illuminating your entire brain and all your mental processes.
- Notice any emotional reaction to this feeling of openness. If there is an uncomfortable feeling, observe it and breathe into it. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply.
- Now it's time to close down your Third Eye to a comfortable level. If you leave it too open, you may pick up more information than you want or that is good for your well-being. So as you breathe, allow the Light to concentrate once again at the space between your brows. Like a very tiny diamond or star, it shines there.
- Know that anytime you wish to access intuitive or psychic information, you can breathe this Centre open again. In the meantime, for now, it will only access a fraction more subtle information than you have been used to.
Over time, as you develop on all levels and practice this and other exercises, you may be willing to keep the Third Eye more open, the Star larger and more welcoming to information.
- Bring your attention back to your physical eyes. Can you see anything on the inside of your eyelids? Gently open your eyes.
- Make notes in your journal about this experience.
Return to What You Will Receive
See what I mean? outstanding insights and approaches that are like a magic formula for spiritual growth as well as connecting with Animal Spirit Guides.
Then now's the time!
Set in motion your desire to connect with Totem Animals today!
The Fine Print...
This 3-volume set comes in a downloadable, digital format to be read on your laptop/desktop/ebook readers to
save trees, save you money, and make it easy for you to print out as many copies of the Playsheets as you’d like.
Now you can read about Totem Animals and pursue spiritual growth even while on the go!
Plus, you get to enjoy it right away!
Get started on your joyful journey with your Totem Animals today.
All for only $ 19.95! No hidden costs, no shipping and handling or duty fees, and immediate access to all three books.
Plus, 5 % of profits goes to charity.
Where else could you find such a high-quality, informative resource
over 180 action-packed pages of it
for about the cost of one restaurant meal?
The skills you'll develop with this book will serve you well for years to come.
And of course there's a
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I know how it can feel to buy something online — exciting, yet a little scary. If you're familiar with me, you'll just have the excitement. If not... remember:
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I have made a product that will really help you, and my reputation stands behind it. If you don't find it worth the price, I will give you a full refund anytime within the first year that's a 12-month guarantee. Simple as that.
That's my personal promise.
Your Totem Animals Are Waiting
With Brightest Blessings,
erin Dragonsong
Don't miss out on sharing your spiritual Path with your Animal Guides.
Get A Natural Connection, Volumes 1, 2, & 3 now!
Why Wait?
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