A Visit from Spirit?

by Brenda

I was sitting on my front porch and thanking the Angels and Universe for such a splendid day. I closed my eyes and visualized the roots from our large pine tree reaching up to me grounding me with the earth.

Shortly after, I drew my thumbnail down my calf (my legs were now crossed). I glanced down and there was a very, very thin green ribbon following my nail on my calf... I moved my thumb down my leg several times and the ribbon followed. When I moved my thumb up my calf it became a red ribbon. Then vanished.

I was vibrating with high energy and was so thrilled at what I witnessed.

I mentioned this to a spiritual group I was on and received humiliation and laughter. They said I was on drugs and crazy. But I know what I saw and I know I'm not crazy.

I feel I had a visitor that day to encourage me to continue on my chosen path.

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Sep 26, 2020

by: erin

Wow, that's incredible, Brenda! Sounds like the tree spirits accept you as one of their own! :)

Thank you for sharing this!

Brightest Blessings

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