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Why is our site one of the best sites to advertise on? We have a targeted audience, who is interested in Witchcraft and spirituality products and services.
Advertisement possibilities include banner ads, graphic links, and paid text links.
Besides advertising on the website, you can advertise in our e-zine, The Silver Chalice.
You can also choose an option of having a review of your product or service.
Before we go any further, though, I'd like you to know that I take my responsibility to my visitors seriously.
My purposes in putting up ads and links is . . .
So . . . If what you are offering is more for your benefit than for your customers', this is not the site for you. If I receive complaints that appear to be justified, your advertising account will be terminated.
But if you legitimately have benefit to offer, you are eligible to advertise on
Please contact me for more information on how to advertise on Wicca Spirituality:
With Brightest Blessings,
erin Dragonsong
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