Lesson #39
Samhain: The Great Sabbat
A Wiccan Initiate
Needs to Know . . .
- What does the word "Samhain" mean?
- How is it pronounced?
- When is Samhain?
- What Element and Direction are associated with this Sabbat?
- What is the greatest value of the Mystery that Samhain celebrates?
- What are the primary Energies or Powers of this season?
- What is the Isle of Apples?
- Who are the beloved dead?
- What does it mean, that the Veil between the worlds becomes thin?
- What is a Descent to the Underworld?
- What beliefs form the basis of Ancestor-honouring rituals?
- Why are Day of the Dead rituals merry?
- What turning point does Samhain represent?
- What are the deeper Powers of Samhain?
- Why is this called the Final Harvest?
- What is the value of introspection and looking within ourselves?
- What are some ways that we can participate in the introspective Energy between Samhain and Yule?
- What is the benefit of surrender as a spiritual practice?
- In Wiccan philosophy, when is life thought to begin?
- What is the difference between religions and spiritual paths that was discussed in this lesson?
- What is the Wiccan perspective on the afterlife?
- What are some of the attributes of Hecate?
- What purpose does death serve?
- What does "hag" mean? What other common Witch-associated words is it related to?
- List some of the animals and symbols associated with Hecate.
- What is Hecate's sickle?
This first half of the lesson on Samhain has given you the background, explained the major Energies of the season, and introduced you to Hecate, the Goddess of Witches (among many other things)... not to mention given you lots of Samhain songs to sing!
Next week you’ll continue to learn about Samhain, including how this season expresses itself in human lives and why this time of year is so feared by so many.
And of course you’ll learn all the things you need in order to celebrate the Great Wiccan Sabbat symbols, foods, and rites and rituals for Samhain.
So be sure to catch up on your Reflections and introspection this week, so you’ll be ready to celebrate Samhain in style!
See you then!
With Brightest Blessings,
Coming Up . . .
A look ahead to the next few lessons in your journey as a Wiccan:
Lesson #40 |
Samhain: The Great Wiccan Sabbat, part 2
Rites and Celebrations for Samhain
Gateway Between the Worlds
Descent to the Underworld
Wiccan Perspective on Death and Dying
Symbols and Magick for Samhain
Lesson #41 |
Wiccan Scriptures
Does Wicca even v Scriptures??
What's the value of sacred texts?
11 (more or less) primary Wiccan scriptures
What to do with them |
Lesson #42 |
Energy Crafting 101
How to Raise and Move Energy
Energy Is Neutral: Just Add Flavour
Your 4 Tools to Work Energy
Moving Energy with your Ritual Tools
Energy Crafting Practices |
Lesson #43 |
Energy Crafting 102: The Iron Pentacle
The Points of the Iron Pentacle, and their Associations
Connecting with the 5 Energies
How to Run an Energy Pentacle Within Yourself
8 Tips for Running the Energy |
Exciting, right? See you then!
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© erin Dragonsong 2012
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