Lesson #5
Casting a Circle & Invocations:
Review and Conclusion
A Wiccan Initiate Needs To Know...
- What is a Wiccan Circle?
- What is a Wiccan Circle made of?
- What is Sacred Space?
- What's the relation between a ritual Circle and Sacred Space?
- What are the four purposes for Casting a Circle?
- Why is magick done within Sacred Space?
- Explain this Wiccan saying: "What happens between the worlds, changes all the worlds."
- What tools are absolutely necessary for Casting a Circle?
- What's the purpose of having a container for magick?
- What is one thing you need to remember in order to be most successful in magick?
- What is the first thing to do, when preparing to Cast a Circle?
- Where does the energy come from that creates the Circle?
- What's the most important aspect of this or any magickal act?
- When you Cast a Circle, where are its boundaries?
- How big should you draw your Pentacles?
- Why do you "touch" the centre of your Pentacles after drawing them?
- How big should your Circle be?
- When you Cast a Circle, which direction do you turn (for your Hemisphere)? What is this direction called?
- What connects the Directions, as the framework of the Circle?
- What Direction is the starting point of your Circle Casting?
- What is the last Direction you touch, in Casting a Circle?
- Write out the Invocation of the Circle statements.
- When you complete the Circle, what important step must you do to bring the process to conclusion?
- When you are within a Circle, where are you?
- If you can’t see/feel/sense the Circle, what does that mean? What should you do about it?
- When you Open a Circle, which direction do you turn? What is this direction called?
- What is the process for opening a Circle?
- Write out the Devocation of the Circle statements.
- When you speak out or Call in ritual, what is the most effective way to do so?
- What are 2 or 3 ways to minimise ego in magick? What are 2 benefits to it?
- When Invoking or Calling in ritual, what 6 energies or qualities should you strive to embody?
- What are some physical techniques that help empower your declarations?
- Why is belief necessary, and how do you cultivate it?
- If you're following along as someone else Casts, what should you be doing? Why?
- What's the purpose of a magickal Shield?
- How often should a Shield be refreshed?
- What's the primary factor in how long a Shield lasts?
- What is Invocation (in a Wiccan context)?
- Does it matter how you Invoke Deities? Explain.
- How is Invoking related to commanding or compelling? Why?
- Why do we Invoke the Elements?
- What are the main points in an Invocation?
- What is it called when you release the Elements and Deities?
- What does it mean when we say we ground something magickal in the world?
- What is the standard Wiccan farewell to the Elements and Deities?
You're really starting to feel like a Wiccan now, I'll bet.

You're putting together some of the skills you've already learnt, and in a purposeful way starting to communicate with the Divine and make magick! How exciting is that?
This will all come in very handy in a couple weeks, when you'll celebrate your first real Sabbat: Eostara!
But first, we'll look at the structure of a Wiccan ritual and how to create one for yourself.
You've heard a lot about ritual so far during this course, but we haven't actually defined explained how it all works. That's what's coming up next.
The skills you're developing this week will be essential from this point on, so do yourself the favour of practicing these until you have them down-pat.
After all, the more you do the practices, the more you’ll be reaping all the benefits of being a Wiccan!
With Brightest Blessings,
Coming Up . . .
A look ahead to the next few lessons in your journey as a Wiccan:
Lesson #7 |
Creating Wiccan Rituals
Demystifying & Re-Mystifying Ritual
Steps for Creating Effective Wiccan Rituals
Spontaneity, Following Ritual Recipes, and Other Tips |
Lesson #8 |
Eostara / LadyDay / Spring Equinox
The Powers of Spring Equinox
The Subtle Meanings
The Goddesses of Spring
The Cycle of the Gods in Spring
Celebrating Eostara |
Lesson #9 |
The Wiccan Elements
The Four (i.e., Five) Elements
The Elements Within
Meeting the Elements
Honouring Your Gifts |
Lesson #10 |
Circle Casting & Invocations
The Element of Air
Connecting With Air / East
Working With The Element of Air
How to Invoke the Element of Air
Exciting, right? See you then!
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© erin Dragonsong 2012
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not to mention several years of sincere effort
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