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Bible Predictions for 2011 and 2012
What are the bible predictions for 2011 and 2012? How reliable are they? And what do they really mean? Let's look at it piece by piece...
Bible Predictions for 2012
The first is easy -- there are no 2012 predictions to be found in the Bible. In fact, there is no date ever given for the end of the world. Jesus said directly that no one knows when it will happen... But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. -- Matthew 24:36 Jesus Did Say When, But...Jesus himself seems to have been mistaken about the end of the world, since he stated that it would happen within his disciples' lifetimes... Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things [signs of the end] be fulfilled. -- Matthew 24:34 Many scholars believe that Jesus was speaking more locally. He was living in a time of great tension between the Jews and the Romans, and could easily have been speaking of the destruction the Romans wrought on Jerusalem not long after his death, in retaliation for rebel uprisings. So here's what all this means. Since the end of the world obviously hasn't happened, even though Jesus said it would 2000 years ago, can you believe any Bible predictions for the end of the world? I mean, if Jesus was wrong... who could be right?
Biblical Prophecies for the End of the WorldAlthough there are no dates given, Bible predictions do refer several times to the end of the world. It is put forth as a final battle between Good and Evil. After this epic war, Christ is expected to return to Earth, and everyone will be judged as to which side of that eternal war they "fought," then relegated to their eternal non-negotiable accommodations. I'm not going to go through all the Biblical prophecies. You can read Revelations if you're really interested. But I will say this about the Bible predictions for the end of the world... My Interpretations
Bible Predictions For 2011?Harold Camping, despite the Bible's assurance that no one can know when the end will come, believed he knew the date. He said there was "Biblical evidence" that the Rapture would occur on May 21, 2011, when certain "believers" would be taken to Heaven. After which, October 21, 2011 would be the end of the world. (But long before then, apparently, everyone not chosen would be wishing it were the end.) However, it seems that no biblical scholars agree with Camping's assessment. It also seems that the Bible disagrees with him. The Rapture apparently came and went, unnoticed, putting Harold's record at 0 for 2. He had already, incorrectly, predicted the Rapture once before, for September 1994. So presumably his credibility is completely shot. The thing that really rings false to me about Harold Camping's prediction of the Rapture is this... In his view, the ones who will go to Heaven were already pre-chosen at the beginning of time. No matter what they do or did, it seems, they've been born with the lucky ticket. I just can't even fathom a God, worthy of the title, who would run things that way. However, I can't really fault him for sensing the massive change that is coming, even if he's misled as to what will really happen.
"The End Is Nigh... Again!
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