Choosing Your Wiccan Name
Choosing a Wiccan name is not just making one up. It must be discovered, like bones and baskets on an archeological site.
The Divine gave your true name to you at the moment you chose to come to birth. It has been covered up with the years, but it is still there, waiting for you.
And like the ancient bones and baskets,
it holds great power and beauty within it.
So all you need to do is access it. Like Michelangelo, all you need to do is take away whatever doesn't belong to you . . .
- Masks and labels,
- History and wounds,
- Desires and fears that you've collected over the years
When you remove the dust and debris of ages, you will find your Wiccan name shining there like a jewel within you.
But this is only one way to choosing your Wiccan name.
Many Witches choosing a Wiccan name that represents things that are sacred to them, that inspire them in some aspect of life, or that represents their matron Goddess.
Journey Through Sacred Space
Ritual, spell-casting, prayer, and meditation are tools that help you clear away the debris and find yourself. These are the tools that will help you uncover your Wiccan name.
The process is the same as any magick . . .
- Set a clear and strong intention to choose your Wiccan name
- Send that spell/prayer into the quantum realm
- Open and allow the universe to bring this desire to fruition
- Attend to the signs and gifts you are given.
- Offer your thanks in return.
Pay Attention
Journal every day about what you experienced and felt and noticed during the day. This
practice of reflection is very useful in finding your Witch name.
Pay particular attention to the unexpected, the synchronistic, the startling. What messages did you receive this day? Now is the time to notice them.
What symbols were used to convey these messages?
The Divine will certainly send you hints of your Wiccan name, but if you don't take the time to notice what you've seen, it'll go right past you. In fact, She has been all along, and you just haven't noticed yet.
A person with a stuffed-up head can't smell the flowers right in front of them. You need to clear some inner space, so the message can get through.
This is where
meditation is incredibly useful. Clearing the mind, you can perceive what is in front of your nose.
Where To Find Your True Name
True names may come from any source.
Commonly, as inspiration for choosing a Wiccan name, witches use things like . . .
- Plants, such as iris, sage, rowan
- Elements, such as wind, rain, river, mountain, moon, star, forest
- Gems, such as topaz, ruby
- Animals, such as wolf, raven
- Goddesses and Gods, such as Tara, Brighid, Artemis, Mary, Pan
- Gifts, such as singer, dancer, weaver
But anything can provide you with your Wiccan name.
If you have special gifts, they may influence your true name. (Sometimes the name points to a gift you may not yet realise you have! That was certainly my experience.)
You may look for symbols of things that you resonate with.
Witch Tip
Keep in mind that Deities evolve over time, and the oldest Deities often have a long list of sometimes-contradictory attributes.
This is especially the case with Goddesses, as they have been reinterpreted and molded by patriarchal agendas and perspectives.
You can research the meaning of names and the names of deities. You can even get ideas from baby names books.
But in the end, choosing your Wiccan name doesn't involve your brain. That's been kept out of the secret.
A Witch can name herself, but it is really a recognition of something she already has. A magickal name must come from the Divine, and be recognised in your heart.
Well, I Guess You Can Make One Up
You weren't going to let me get away with telling you what you can and can't do, were you?
Of course you can choose any Wiccan name you want. You can call yourself Stinky McPheeblefossy if you want to. (It does have a nice ring to it.)
The point I'm trying to make here, though, is that
a name that rings of your truest Essence will be a name of Power for you. It will be one you can aim to live up to, for the rest of your life.
It's worth taking your time to find the perfect Wiccan name for yourself.
Have fun on your search!
With Brightest Blessings,
erin Dragonsong
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