Trouble With The Contact Form?
Can't get the Contact Form to work?
I'm really sorry about that . . . For some reason, with some computers, there's a glitch I can't seem to fix.
But I really do want to hear from you!
So there are 3 options I can offer:
1. Fill out the
Contact Trouble Form, and send your message that way.
2. Try some
fixes on your end.
3. Try my
alternate email address.
Contact Trouble Form
This form bypasses the bug, so you can reach me. Please use it to send me your message, and at the same time let me know what your emailing process was… so I can fix that darn bug!
I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a few moments to let me know what happened.
Your Fixes
Sometimes you can fix things at your end, if your computer is going buggy. As a bonus, this should improve your computer's performance if it is.
There may be a glitch in a computer or program that's been running too long. So here are some tips that might cure the problem.
- It may help if you shut down your web browser or email program, and then start it up again after a few minutes.
- If that doesn't work, try shutting down your computer for a couple minutes, and then restart it.
Then try emailing again. Sometimes you can clear up the problem that way.
Last Resort
If that still doesn't work, here is an alternative way to contact me:
Type the email address you see below into a new message within your own email program. It's given here in graphic form, to foil the spammers. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I've been getting deluged with spam.
Here's the catch though: Because of all the spam ordinary email addresses get, emailing me outside the Forms causes
a delay in response time, and worse, some emails get lost in the filters.
So please write in your subject field: "
To Erin at Wicca Spirituality". This should help the second problem, but if you don't hear from me within a couple weeks,
please write back . . . the spam filter must have eaten your email.
Thanks for your understanding!
Here's the email address:

With Brightest Blessings,
erin Dragonsong
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