Free Ebooks to Download:
How to Start your own Online Home Business,
and Make Money on the Web

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Why free ebooks on starting a web business?

If you want to make money online, you need information. The right information is the difference between making a website, and making a website that makes you money!

That's what this page is about. Here you can download free ebooks on how to start a successful online home business.

Yes, I'm biased... I LOVE working at home. I couldn't go back to 9-to-5, working for someone else's profit.

And I know it's not for everyone... some people like to go to a steady job.

But if you want to work from home, and put your energy into something that will pay and pay and pay for work you did years ago, check out these free ebooks.

They will help you find out if you're cut out to make money on the web.

And if you are, they'll tell you what you need to know to get started on the right foot.

Free Ebooks — Online Home Business Masters Courses

Before we go on, I want to let you know this one critical piece of information....

You don't need to be Web-savvy to have a successful online home business.

You can make a solid, ongoing income without knowing anything about HTML, FTP, website design, Search Engine Optimization, or any other "mysteries" of website creation.

If you can read your email and surf the web, if you can write a coherent sentence — with or without a spelling / grammar checker — you can make money on the web.

The free ebooks below will show you how.

Work-at-Home Mom Masters Course

Does this woman look like a working mom? That's the joy of being a Work-At-Home Mom!

This book is for you if you want to be a Work-at-Home Mom (WAHM) (or a Work-at-Home Dad, person, kid...) and successfully build a real business on the Net.

This course is written by four Work-At-Home Moms who know what they're talking about. The WAHM Masters Course contains everything you need to know about starting your own Internet business from home.

It starts you right at the beginning...
  • The pros and cons of working outside the home
  • Compare various ways of earning income at home
  • Choosing the best Internet business for you
  • How to plan, organise, and build a great website
  • Get people flocking to your site, without paying a penny for advertising
  • How to inspire your readers to WANT to buy your products or recommendations
  • Ways to make substantial money from a website, even without selling your own products
  • Inspiring stories of real-life Work-at-Home Moms and their websites
  • Tips on managing your household and family while you work

Follow this information and you will soon be on your way to building a real business with income that increases every year. It makes you money, while you give your best to your child, your home, or whatever passion calls you from a 9-to-5 job.

Downloading Tips for Mac

In Firefox

Hold down the Option key and then click on the link.

It will either download automatically, or you'll get a Save As window, where you can rename it if you want and then Save...

In Safari

Right-Click on the link and from the pop-up menu, select Download Linked File.

(Option-Click will only open the file in a new tab or window.)


Option-Click on the link, and the file automatically downloads.

You can contribute that valuable second income while staying with your kids. You choose your own hours, your location, even your customers. It's simple enough that anyone with the right guidance can do it. It costs very little to get set up. And perhaps best of all, it gives you a creative outlet, a connection to the world through your hobby or passion!

And when the kids are off in school, or off to college, you will have a thriving online home business ... forever free of working for someone else.

Click here to start reading your free ebook: Work-At-Home Mom Masters Course. If you want to print a copy and review the e-book offline, right-click to download it (option-click for Mac).

Affiliate Masters Course

Affiliate Masters Course

One of the best — and easiest — ways to make money on the web is through becoming an affiliate or associate.

All that means is, when you recommend products to your readers, and they buy them, you receive a commission. No risk to you, very little work, but the profits can be incredible.

The Affiliate Masters Course shows you how to build a website that really works for affiliate marketing.

It leads you through the whole process...
  • Finding profitable keywords to build your pages around
  • Getting Google etc. to find your pages and offer them to interested readers
  • Setting up Pay-Per-Click campaigns, so you get paid whenever your readers click on a link
  • Everything you need to build a successful affiliate business
  • How to become a high-earning affiliate champion

This is the most important part of any successful online home business, and the Affiliate Masters Course makes it clear and simple.

Click here to start reading your free ebook: Affiliate Masters Course. If you want to print a copy and review the e-book offline, right-click to download it (option-click for Mac).

Netwriting Masters Course

Netwriting Masters Course
Want to know how to sell more?

It's simple... Write better. Write smarter. Write to PREsell. Then write to SELL.

The Netwriting Masters Course is the only course on the Net that shows you how to do all that. And it's free!

And it cures you of the major disease that keeps people from succeeding in an online business... sell-o-mania.

Most people focus their websites on selling. You've seen them... the home page has a popup, trying to sell you something. There's half a dozen pages, all trying to sell you something.

Does it work?

Not very often!

People may spend thousands of dollars or hundreds of hours of their own time writing persuasive sales copy. So why doesn't it work?

Because your readers are not looking to be SOLD. They're searching for quality information and solutions they can trust — they're looking for CONTENT.

That's it. Only once you give them that, will they consider buying from you.

Well-written content gives people what they want. And it PREsells or "warms up" visitors, gaining their trust and confidence.

It also brings you good traffic, for free. Quality content websites rank well with Search Engines. Which also means that content attracts targeted visitors — ones who are really interested in what you may be selling or recommending.

That's why HOW you write for a website may be more important than WHAT you write.

Effective Netwriting is really a two-step process... PREsell, then SELL. And that requires two different kinds of writing...

  1. Write to PREsell.
  2. Only then, write to SELL.
The Netwriting Masters Course teaches you how to do the WHOLE process right — from Search Engine rankings, to happy readers, to happy customers.

Click here to start reading your free ebook: Netwriting Masters Course. If you want to print a copy and review the e-book offline, right-click to download it (option-click for Mac).

Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course

MYPS Masters Course
If you have your own product or service to sell, knowing how to price it properly is the trickiest thing.

When you under-price, you lose money, and you also give the message that your product isn't very good.

But when you over-price, you drive away customers and lose money, and give the impression that it's all a big scam.

Pricing is the single most important marketing decision that any business owner ever makes. Especially online! When your readers can click away to a competitor in an instant, your pricing strategy has to be right ... the first time.

In the digital market scene, there are very few second chances.

"Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course" makes you a pricing expert.

This free e-book shows you how to price with complete confidence, and effectively double your profits.

The course provides you with the information and strategies you need to determine the Perfect Price.

  • Background pricing theory
  • Key business models
  • Target market profiling
  • The importance of the perceived value of a product or service

But there's the big picture to consider as well.

The perfect price is only important when you are actually at the point of selling. And selling, or "monetization," is merely the last of the four-step process to online success.

So this course also covers the ultimate online success equation ...

Right Process + Great Product + Perfect Price = Customer Satisfaction and Your Online Success

Click here to start reading your free ebook: Make Your Price Sell Masters Course. If you want to print a copy and review the e-book offline, right-click to download it (option-click for Mac).

Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters Course

Net Auction Masters Course

A Net Auction business may be the easiest entry into e-business. It's fun, easy, cheap and fast — you can even start with less-treasured items stored in your basement, attic or closet!

Benefits include...
  • Minimal start-up costs
  • No need for technical expertise
  • Lots of actively searching and targeted traffic
  • World-wide social interaction with people who love the same things
  • Flexibility

But like any business, there is a right way and a wrong to go about it.

Most folks get off to a fast start. But they eventually realize... they essentially work for eBay. You do the work, you sell the product, and eBay keeps a percentage. That's fair enough.

But the bad part is, eBay also owns your traffic. Once you're selling on eBay, you pretty much have to keep selling on eBay.

Find out the ins and outs of Net Auction business with this Masters Course.

MYNAS! is an all-encompassing resource guide that provides nuts-and-bolts strategies and ideas to build a successful Net Auction business, from the ground up. Sydney Johnston, a well-respected Net Auction expert, shares her knowledge, experience and expertise so that anyone can get up and running in the right direction... fast!

Although eBay would like you to think differently, there is much more to a Net auction business than simply registering at eBay, listing items and then waiting for the auction to finish.

A Net auction business is a real business that takes effort, commitment and smarts.

MYNAS looks after the "smarts" part of the deal with its clearly written, comprehensive guidance.

Click here to start reading your free ebook: Make Your Net Auction Sell Masters Course. If you want to print a copy and review the e-book offline, right-click to download it (option-click for Mac).

Service Sellers Masters Course

Service Selling Masters Course

Do you want to attract new clients from your neighbourhood, your city, or around the world?

If you sell a service, the Internet is a great way to increase your client base, and your income — while keeping costs to a minimum.

Whether you are new to the Net, experienced, or in the early stages of business development, the course shows you how to build a Theme-Based Content Site to attract people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Even more important, it teaches you how to convert your readers into new clients!

Click here to start reading your Service Sellers Masters Course. If you want to print a copy and review the e-book offline, right-click to download it (option-click for Mac).

Webmaster BUSINESS Masters Course

Webmasters Masters Course

Have you already got a successful website? Want to start making websites for clients?

This e-book shows you how to run the business part of website design.

The growing demand for affordable web sites and webmasters means that lots of people are setting up a home-based business in web design. There's a big drawback for most of them... their business skills are not as developed as their website or design skills.

And creativity is only one ingredient of success in the webmaster game.

The Webmaster Business Masters Course provides the information and resources you need to start (and keep) a web design business that succeeds. It's written by an independent designer, Mark Frank, who generously shares his business knowledge, first-hand experiences and tips.

If you're thinking of starting a web design business, read this first. It'll save you a lot of headache, heartache, time, and money if you get it right from the start.

Click here to start reading your free ebook: Webmaster Business Masters Course. If you want to print a copy and review the e-book offline, right-click to download it (option-click for Mac).

With Brightest Blessings,

erin Dragonsong

Witch Love Smilie  ©  Wicca Spirituality

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