Kibele and Leto

by Daphne Dilber

Kibele because is the bountiful earth mother, the first and the last . She is the all mighty.

Leto because she is the mother of twins Artemis and Apollo , the moon and sun . sHE WAS WORSHIPPED TOGETHER WITH HER TWINS IN Ancient Lykia, the place where democracy and women's rights were born .

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Oct 27, 2018
Drawn to Leto NEW
by: T2

I have always been drawn to Leto, Artemis, and Apollo. I have named my Harley Artemis, as when I first saw her, and her silver sandals (actually chromed wheels) sleek design, smooth lines, and knowing she would be the one to keep me safe in all travels. Also, like her, I have always been drawn to protecting all the young in my life. My brother and I are near twins, being born 9 months, 20 days, 16 hours, and 6 minutes apart. My mother took no prenatal care for me, as she had just went through it all with my brother. My favorite pieces to decorate with are Moon, Sun, and Stars. Each piece of body art I have has at least one star, thinking of when Apollo directing Artemis to aim for the farthest star when he tricked her into killing her one true love. I have also always known I had that extra spiritual connection that frightens, embarrasses, even shames many from admitting. It all just made sense, so I have researched, studied, and discussed this with others I have felt to be of the same.

Mar 07, 2018

by: erin

Thank you, Daphne!

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