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Surviving 2012 (5) -- Dancing Lightly On The Edge
Surviving the 2012 Transition involves dealing with loads of uncertainty and requires continuous adaptation. There is no avoiding it. The only constant anymore is constant change. This is something our forebears didn't have to worry about. For hundreds of generations, nothing much changed. They could mosey along with their noses to the agricultural grindstone, doing the same thing their parents and grandparents and greatgrandparents did. We have it in our genes to like things this way (mostly). But that's not the reality any longer. Surviving 2012 calls for a different approach, because life is different... even from 10 years ago! Changes that took millennia in the beginning of time, half a millennium around the time of Christ, and decades in the 1900's are now occurring at 20 day intervals! We can't see anymore where we're going or what's coming next -- the only certainty is that it's coming fast. And we have to change the way we live, to live with the change.
The more you hang on to what you already know, what you're comfortable with, the harder these times will feel and the more difficulty you'll have surviving the 2012 Transition. We are all being called to immense rapid change. It's natural to want things to slow down... but they won't. And the more you resist it, the more suffering you create for yourself. So let go of resistance. Accept that this is the new reality. Practice letting go easily and flowing with the tide of change. I call this Dancing Lightly On The Edge. If you're standing on ground that keeps shifting underfoot, you just have to stay light on your feet. It's kind of like levitation. The Incredible Lightness Of BeingI read one guidebook on levitation said it's a matter of switching your gravitational "pole" -- instead of being held by the gravity of Earth, you are held by the gravity of the Sun or Moon or stars. Then you naturally "fall" upward. If you can shift your "polarity" from worldly-existence to Divine-process, you will be upheld by that energy. What I mean is by worldly existence is holding onto ideas like...
This is a recipe for not surviving the 2012 Transition! It's a recipe for a very hard, unpleasant life! The more you can switch to Divine process, the more easily, successfully, and beautifully your life will flow. That means working from ideas like...
Surviving 2012 is do-able. It may even be easy, depending on how well you master this skill. In fact, it could very well be the best thing ever, as the entire planet is uplifted to this more beautiful state of consciousness!
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